Chapter 2

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I couldn't get back to sleep after my headache so I made a weak coffee and went to stand on the misty, stone balcony. My messy bun and pjs looked almost stylish as I sat on the rustic wooden stool and looked out onto the morning traffic. I guess I could get used to this lifestyle...

Ivy was still asleep so I decided to surprise her on her first morning here. I tiptoed out of the heavy apartment door and locked it behind me with a *clunk*. My ripped jeans, pink crop top and superstars had to do. I took my keys, phone and credit card, and off I set. The organic grocery store flashed in the luminous sign above the door, my sneakers squeaked against the polish floor as I shuffled into the store.

Hey guys it's willow again, just checking up on the story. It's my first story so I'm sorry if it's bad, speech and the twins will be included in the next chapter, so stay tuned. As always have a great day/night or whatever time your read this and don't forget to follow @snackdolans on instagram. 💞💓💗💝

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