Chapter 7

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{Ivy's point of view}
The club was amazing. But I couldn't stop thinking about my parents, how only a couple of years ago they could have been here. They were very young parents, to be completely honest, too young. But nevertheless they had me and we were one big happy family. Till the accident...

I don't remember much about last night at all. I need to find Ava. I open my eyes from the trail of thoughts whizzing through my brain to look up and see him. All tall muscular boy, about my age and he was so perfect. I just wanted to go and hug him. But I don't know who he is...

I decided to hide under the bed sheets, presumably his, and text Ava. I pressed send but I don't have the WiFi here. I slowly peeped my head up over the sheets to look around. Perfect timing. The guy looked at me and my heart melted. His eyes were peicing but soft, his nose wasnt too big or too small, his lips were perfect and he just sat there smiling, smiling at me.

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