Chapter 9

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~Ethan's point of view~
WHAT?!" Everyone said in unison as me and gray clacked up the new stairs in our apartment. "Twins?" The blonde one laughed and her friend joined in. Gray jumped up to the top step and asked "so you know each other?" Both the girls laughed. That blonde one was so pretty. She was like no one I've ever seen before. I think I'm falling in love. She just understands me. But I don't even know her name.

"Ava and I are best friends, we live together!" The darker haired girl said. Gray looked at me and we all smiled. I knew that this friendship was going to be fun. Ava, what a beautiful name.

~Grayson's point of view~
We all laughed and the girls seemed nice. The brown haired was the one I was with last night. I remember her, I could never forget. She was stunning and perfect. "So who wants pancakes?!" Ethan yelled as we all cheered and raced down the stairs. I stayed at the top admiring my girl as she laughed and pulled me down the stairs with her. I think I'm falling in love.

Hey guys, Willow here. (Again). Woah how did I get 30 views?? I'm so happy. Maybe one day this will get famous lol. The story is so cringey so far. It will get better I promise. Maybe a few plot twists coming up...😏🤫😅 don't forget to follow @snackdolans on Instagram for a follow back. Bye love ya! 💕💓💗

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