Chapter 11

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DISCLAIMER! Do not read this if you are an innocent child that doesn't know how babies are made!

Grayson's POV:
My heart was beating. She followed me into my room and jumped onto the bed. It's felt so natural. She sat there smiling at me. I picked her up and her legs wrapped around my back. The muscles flexed as I lifted her up against the wall. I kissed her forcefully but not to hard. Her legs slowly came down as I took a breath and removed my shirt. She undid my belt and we started kissing again.

Ivy's POV:
Grayson's belt fell to the ground as I reached for my blouse. I couldn't get the buttons undone it was too fiddly. Grayson stopped and reached for the collar. His muscles flexed as he ripped all the buttons off. I tossed it took the side and it landed delicately. Next, Grayson pulled off his trousers and I took off my shorts, the denim landed in a heap as we were just in our underwear. He picked me up by the waist and crawled onto the bed with me.

Grayson's POV:
I felt kinda bad for ripping her blouse but we were in the moment. She turned us over and sat on top of me. She kissed my abs and it felt like little butterflies were landing on me. Then she looked up at me and grinned. She looked devilish, it was so hot. Then she positioned herself on me and pulled of my boxers. Needless to say what happened next...

Ethan's POV:
Ava was so beautiful. The way she was messy and goofy reminded me of a little kid. Her laugh was like magic. I just wanted to keep her to myself. She looked over at me staring and asked if I could start helping. I said sure and we set to work, making the pancakes. I don't know where Grayson and ivy were but they are sure missing out. As I reached over her for a spoon she bent down and turned round. It was kind of awkward but we ended up kissing. Her soft lips grazed agains my chapped ones.

Ava's POV:
Ethan clasped the back of my head and my waist. He told me to jump, so I did. He took me to a clear part of the kitchen surface and put me down. He kissed my neck, leaving hickeys on my soft skin. I kissed back and then pulled his shirts off him. Then I remembered ivy. I wish I didn't have to be her guardian. It's made me feel so old. I nicely told Ethan to stop for a second, and I jumped down off the counter. I heard moans coming from upstairs.

Pfffttt I'm not good at writing this sort of stuff. Oops 😬 it's very cringey and I hope it made sense to you lol. Thanks for reading 💓💗😅

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