Chapter 10

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Grayson's POV:
Ethan and Ava ran downstairs first but then I stopped her. I looked into her eyes and laughed. "What?" Ivy asked so confused. "N-nothing, your so beautiful." I felt like the heart eyes emoji. She blushed and looked down. I just wanted to kiss her. So I did.

Ivy's POV:
Grayson's laugh was adorable. Then he went serious, he started staring at my lips. He was like a hungry lion looking at his prey. I felt so exited, was he about to kiss me?
His lips grazed against mine and I returned the kiss affectionately then his big, calused hands cupped my face and our tongues collided. Whizzing round my head were a million thoughts, as the kiss was broken. Grayson pulled me into the bedroom...

Sorry for the cringe. I am not very good at writing stuff like this. Sorry it's not that descriptive (haven't had my first kiss) 😢 jk I'm fine but ewww cringey!

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