Chapter 4

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I take the stuff back to the apartment after that super hot guy brought it for me, my heart just melted when I thought about him. I hope I see him again.

I finish making the pancakes just as Ivy wakes up, I hear her stomping around her room looking for her clothes or something and decided to go say good morning.

"Morning, sleepy head!" I bubbled on to her. "OMG, Ava we are actually here!!!" I chuckled to her and brought her in for a bear hug. " that pancakes I smell?!" Her grin spread from ear to ear as she scattered into the kitchen.

Only moments later all the pancakes were gone and we were just chilling on the balcony like a regular morning- even though we both knew how exited we were. " I think we should celebrate" ivy explained, "celebrate what?" I asked confused. "Oh Ava, it's our first day we have to go out tonight!" I agreed and we started planning.

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