Chapter 12

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Ava's POV ~
Me and Ethan headed for the stairs, I kinda guessed what we were going to see, but it was exciting because me and Ethan felt like it was our own little adventure.

Ethan's POV~
Oh my god. Ava was flawless, perfect and beautiful. I couldn't help but look down to her running up the stairs, with giggles pouring out of her mouth like jumbled up words.

But then I remembered the reason why we were running up the stairs. I stopped abruptly and rested my heavy hand on Ava's shoulder causing her to stop too "Ava, prepare yourself for what we may be seeing!" I warned her as I knew how much of a fuckboy Grayson could be. I rolled my eyes and we carried on tiptoeing towards gray's bedroom door.

Woah hey guys, sorry I didn't update the story in a while but we got like 80 reads wtf??!!! I know it's barely anything compared with some of the other stuff on here but ya knoww.... lol anyway I'm a lil cringey gal so please don't roast me ahh! Ew OMG I hate the amount of cringe I'm being lol soz for interrupting the story, thanks for reading ily 🤟 💕

P.S :
Don't forget to follow @snackdolans
On Instagram for a follow back, and maybe @willowcruicky on Snapchat lols (we can get streaks) ok imma go now byeeee!! ❤️

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