Chapter 13

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Woah I just went to whatpadds dirty side 😉 jks I'm definitely not an innocent lil child hehe ok back to the story... also I'm writing this at like 1am in a hotel room in France when I have to go ski tomorrow RIP being awake 😴😴

Grays POV~
Ivy was so good at this. I mean, I don't really know what 'this' is but she really made it feel natural. I felt like a normal guy again, I had a break from being the internet famous, MTV star, youtube/viner Grayson Bailey Dolan. Sometimes I hate being famous. All the hate I've learnt to block out and fans are cool I guess.
The best part about ivy was that I don't think she knows who I actually am, and I intend to keep it that way.

Ivy's POV~
Grayson and I were still messing around under his bedsheets but I could tell something was up. He was lost in his train of thought. I wanted to ask him what he was thinking about, so I opened my mouth but just as I did that...

Ava and that guy Ethan? (I think that's his name) burst into Grayson's room. I instantly jumped off him and squealed. Grayson's husky voice croaked out "Yo, Eth! Not cool bro!" All four of us laughed. It felt so open to just laugh about what just happened. After all my best friend and her random dude just walked in on me and this random dude having sex. Wait, what am I saying. Grayson isn't a random dude he is my everything. But wait I only just met him, is this what feeling in love is like?

I know I've already written loads from the author and you came here to read a story, but thanks for reading because I know if your reading this now, I'm thanking. (Cringe alert) yep. Anyway if you are reading this please do whatever you whatpadd-ers do and like favourite it or something anyway byes!
-willow 🤟🍍🍕💕

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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