Chapter 6

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We arrived at the club everything was perfect. The moonlight glimmered down on us like a natural spotlight. We felt like models.

20 dances and 15 drinks later, we could barely walk. I don't remember much from last night but I know I ended up here. I don't know where I am, Or how I got here but I think it's a guys room. I need to find ivy.
I check my phone next to me. I'm in a huge bed in a very stylish room. It doesn't look like it belongs to a teenager... the text was from ivy, "hey, sorry if I bailed on you last night. I think I had a 1 night stand or sum fing. I'll see you later x" ivy usually has quite good grammar so this was suspicious. Or maybe she was just tired. I know I was. Very, very tired. I fell asleep again.

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