Chapter 8

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"Hey" he says whilst smiling into my eyes. "Hi" I answered trying not to stutter. "Did you have a nice sleep?" He asked and looked so goofy I just wanted to go squash his cute little face. "Perfect" I answered with a smile. I didn't want this moment to end, it was like all my worries had gone away.

"So are you staying for breakfast, or leaving" he pouted. " um... I don't mind" I blushed and looked down. Suddenly I remembered. The piping hot blood rushed to my cheeks as I processed my thought. "Are you the guy that brought my groceries?!" I kind of spoke up, "Oh my -, yeah I am!" We both cackled; it was unreal.

I felt like I had known him for ever. He just understood me so well. But I needed to find Ivy, she was my responsibility now. I calmed down and picked up my phone and dialed her number just as the guy walked out of his room. It rang once and she picked up.

"Hey, I'm staying at this guy from last night's place. That's ok right?" She immediately asked as if I was her mother of something. "Yeah ivy, me too? Wait hold on" I suddenly realized "omg ivy where abouts are you?!" I instantly asked to see if my theory was right. "At a guy from last nights place?" She sounded confused as I asked her to walk out of the room she was in.

We both tiptoed out into the hall of the guys house. "Ivy!" I screamed and hugged her. "Ava, what the hell?!." We burst into fits of laughter as two sets of footsteps creaked up the stairs...

" We burst into fits of laughter as two sets of footsteps creaked up the stairs

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