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after hours of getting to know steph, kendall thought is was a good idea to get back to her sister's apartment who she's staying with

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after hours of getting to know steph, kendall thought is was a good idea to get back to her sister's apartment who she's staying with. kendall also found out that steph is dating a nhl player who plays for the toronto maple leafs.

many people rushed home to get some sleep but kendall didn't rush, she loved how the CN tower lit up with different bright colors, she loved the city lights and the big buildings.

she stopped in front of the apartment building door and rung the buzzer for casey, her sister, to open the locked door.

"who is it?" casey's voice came from the small beige speaker, "it's your boy, ken." kendall tried to say with a deep voice but failed, horribly. casey opened the front door by a push of a button and kendall ran up the stairs.

she grabbed her key out of her jacket and opened the door to see her eldest sister sitting at the couch watching reruns of hannah montana.

"i tried to text you why didn't you text back?" casey asked as she watched her little sister flop on the couch.

"i seen it, i'm sorry. i was just with a friend." kendall said which made a smirk appear on casey's slim face, kendall looked at her with confusion in her face as she raised her eyebrow.

"what?" kendall said slowly and casey let out a quiet chuckle. "was it a boy?" she asked which caused kendall to let out a sigh and a eye roll.

"it was a girl, calm down. But i'm going to bed, goodnight." kendall said and left the living room and walked towards her room, the apartment was quite small but it didn't matter to kendall.

she wasn't tired at all but she just didn't want to watch a disney show nor sit down on the beige couch with her sister, she just wanted to read a book and that's what she is going to do.

it all started when kendall and her growing family moved to a new city which was ottawa, she hated it, new school, new friends, and a new lifestyle but that's when she discovered a library. she has always went to the library on weekends and after school, that's where she also met her first friend. That's the day she'll never forget.


she looked at the time and it was almost two in the morning, she tossed her book on her messy bed and got out of the covers, she quickly put on some joggers and a sweatshirt. she pulled her hazelnut brown hair into a high ponytail as she slipped on some converse.

she slipped the apartment key in her deep pocket of her joggers and quietly walked out of her room, when she moved here she didn't have nothing else to do, she was bored and an idea came to her. go and explore, she always did it in ottawa, what can be worse in toronto?

she ran down the stairs and walked out of the building, some people walked passed but mostly all of them are sleeping and have work the next morning, luckily kendall didn't start school on the first week of september, which isn't very far from august.

she walked on the cemet as taxi's drove by or waiting for the red light to turn green, it's refreshing, kendall needed it even though she has came out many times in the daylight but when the clock hit midnight, it seemed different. well that's how kendall thought of it.

"hey, you wanna come back to my place?" A random guy came close to her and slid his hand on her back, she looked at him with disgust written all over her face.

"ew, no. get away from me." she said coldly and pushed him away, a devilish chuckled escaped the stranger which sent chills down kendall's spine.

"c'mon, don't be such a tease." he said and snaked his muscular arm around her waist, kendall became irritated and tried to pushed him away.

"stop," she said as she tried to get out off his grasp, his breath smelt like alcohol as it hit her neck. he placed slobbery kisses on her neck, kendal's vision became blurry from tears forming in her eyes but someone, much stronger than her pushed the pervert away from kendall.

"c'mon dude, she said stop. you should respect women you bastard." a husky voice said which caused the man to scoff.

"why won't you just leave us alone," the guy snapped as he looked into the guys eye's who saved kendall, she sat on the ground, she felt paralyzed, she felt scared to even move, she couldn't believe what just happened.

"are you okay?" the deep voice said as he placed his large hand on kendall's small shoulder, making her jump. she shook her head truthfully as tears fell from her face.

"it's okay, he's gone now. come on, get up from the ground." he said and gently pulled her up, she dusted her butt from the the dirt all over the cement, she quickly wiped her tears as the stranger who helped her just looked at her.

"what's your name?" he asked as they stood in front of each other, "kendall." she said quietly, fiddling with her fingers.

"do you wanna walk?" he asked and she nodded her head slowly, it felt like there was a brick inside her throat, making kendall silent.

"where were you off to?" he asked, with his hands in his jean pockets and she shrugged, "i was just walking around." she said quietly, not caring if the guy heard her or not.

"if we see each other again, let's not talk about what happened, got it?" she said as she stood in front of the apartment building door, he nodded his head rapidly and he looked at her with guilt filling his body as his eyes softened as he watched her every move.

she opened the front door with her key and before she could walk up the stairs he said something that kendall couldn't hear.

"what?" she asked as she turned on her heel and faced the boy, "my name is auston." he gave her a weak smile and walked away in the darkness of downtown toronto.

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