After the Storm (Prologue)

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Guzma's POV

It's happening again. 

I ran my hand's through my hair, trying to control my breathing.

1, 2, 3, 4...

"Shit, shit, shit..."

Flashes of the Ultra Wormhole cut my meditations short... I gasped for air, trying to block out the memories.

The feeling of Nihilego's body phasing through my own, being trapped in that hell hole...

"It's been a god damn year!" I screamed into the blackness of my room.

"Yo, G, you aight??" Someone pounded at the door.

Their words seemed to echo through a tunnel just to be washed away into nothing.

The door knob jiggled and a young man barged his way in. The hallway light silhouetted his energized figure. His chain necklace rattled loudly as he moved.

"Ay-yo boss man, everything okay? Plumeria is looking for ya." The Grunt stated.

"Get OUT." I shouted.

The Grunt stood, stunned. I got up off the creaky bed and punched a hole through the drywall next to me.

"Get. Out." I hissed.

The fool tripped over himself running out, the door slamming behind him. I sat back down and grabbed fist fulls of my white curly hair. Rocking back and forth, I continued to count.

Fuck this...


A/N Hey friends! So guess who's playing through Ultra Sun? THAT'S RIGHT IT'S YA GIRL, TURTLESOUPE. Seriously I forgot just how much I loved Guzma holy cow. So I, in good conscious, have a really hard time shipping the player as an 11 year old with Guzma (REGARDLESS OF HOW CUTE HE IS AROUND THEM) so brace your self for the player and G in the future :'D

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