Water Worries

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Guzma's POV

Flying this time was a lot easier to bear because I knew now what to expect. We hopped off the Charizard and Y/N watched me, waiting for something to happen as she sent Charizard away.

"What, no theatrics this time?" She teased.

I rolled my eyes at her, "Shut up."

The sun had just set behind the moutians and the sounds of the wind rustling through the Lush Jungle sounded like it was a lullaby to the wild Pokemon around us. I followed Y/N up the steps to her house and waited for her to unlock the door. Gengar's face phased through and licked her. I saw her entire body shiver violently as she     pused the door open.

"G-G-Gengar we talked about this, holy shit dude." She shook.

Gengar only laughed at her and floated back up the stairs to the loft. Zoroark was rummaging through the fridge and Decidueye was sitting on the couch, grooming his feathers. She cleared her throat loudly waiting for her lazy Pokemon to notice. Zoroarks ears perked up and he came running to the door. She let her other team members out so they could stretch and I did the same. We sat on the couch and relaxed. She turned on the TV and tilted her head back, resting it on the back of the couch. I watched her out of the corner of my eye. Within minutes of us sitting down, her body relaxed and ther breathing evened out. Arcanine huffed and scooched towards me. I scratched the needy Pokemon's chin and let her rest her head on my knee.

After an episode of some podunk soap opera I turned the television down. Y/N was still fast asleep. I moved Arcanines snout off my leg and got up to stretch.

"Now how am I gonna do this?" I mumbled to myself.

I crossed my arms and studied Y/N. Her black braids bunched up around her shoulders and the Hawaiian print shirt wrinkled under her folded arms. I hesitantly moved towards her and slid an arm under her knees and brought the other one around her back. I picked her up bridal style and she nuzzled her head into the crook of my neck. Very carefully, I brought her up the stairs and placed her in bed. I pulled up her thick covers and gently put it around her. Behind me, Arcanine barked and whined.

"Shhhhhh!!!" I aressivly hushed the poor thing and it backed down.

Y/N didn't even stir at the noise. I snuck back downstairs and grabbed the same blankets I used last night from the laundry room to make up my bed. I pulled off my shirt, got comfortable, and continued to watch the terrible soaps.


"Hey, hey wake up." Y/N shook me.

I groaned and opened my eyes to her well lit living room, her figure over me. With how close she was, I could smell that she showered this morning. It was a different fragrence than what she wore before. I liked it.

I tried to greet her but a jumbled mess of words fell off my tongue.

She laughed and rested her head in the space between me and the ledge.

"I know what you mean, I'm still pretty tired too. I don't know what it was but yesterday kicked my ass." She said into the coushin.

I rolled onto my side and propped my head up on my hand, "Yo, is that coffee I smell?"

She looked up at me, her face now inches from mine, and smiled, "I'll go get you some."

Her hair swayed around her waist as she walked away. I couldn't help but watch. Her hair looked so much nicer down and natural. I bit my lip and just enjoyed watching her prepare the coffee. She looked up through the bar and caught me. I quickly threw on my shirt and sat up, totally blowing my cover and making it worse.

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