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Guzma's POV

"Pincer, return!" I recalled my exhausted Pokemon and bit my lip in concern. 

Hala only had his Mankey left, and the poor thing didn't look so good. I held Masquerian's pokeball tightly before sending him out.

"Go! I know you can do it!" I hollered, Masquerian turned to me and nodded.

I looked to the crowed and saw Y/N with her hands folded over her chest. She looked me in the eye and mouthed 'You can do it.' I smiled and bounced lightly from one foot to the other.

"Alright, yo, let's do this! Use gust!" I commanded.

Mankey jumped out of the way and countered with a Low Sweep. Masquerian took the hit hard and fell to the ground. He got back up and sized up the opposing Pokemon.

"Again!" I hollered, panic starting to set. I was so close.

This time, the attack landed and Mankey K.O.'d.

"Mankey is unable to battle. Guzma wins!" A towns person who had been refereeing the match announced.

The crowd gasped and stared at me. All around the field were wide eyes fixed on me. Y/N screamed in excitement and ran up the creaky wooden stairs. She threw her arms around me and squeezed. It took a second to register what exactly what was happening before I hugged her back. I burried my face into her neck and laughed.

I did it.

Slowly, claps and cheers peppered around the crowd. Y/N pulled away and shook my shoulders.

"Guzma, I am so proud of you!" She squealed.

My heart skipped a beat at her words and I hugged her again. She smelled like Cherri berries, loved it.

"Wow, kid, you really put up a fight!" Hala came over and patted my back.

"Thanks man. I really appreciate you doing this for me." I shook his hand and pulled him into a one armed hug.

I gazed over the crowd to bathe in the awkward applause, and stopped on a woman with yellow and pink hair. I smiled at her.

"Plumes." I said to no one in particular.

I apologized to Y/N and told her I'd be right back. Plumeria broke away from the crowd and walked behind some buildings and I quickly tried to follow. When I rounded the courned, she was leaning against the building, looking out to the sea. Her tan arms crossed over, she turned to me and frowned.

"What are you doing." She whispered, a mix of hurt and anger lingered on each syllable.

"I don't understand." I said, now leaning against the wall next to her.

"What are you doing with her? What are you doing trying something you gave up on years ago?" She hissed.

"Because she believes in me." I glared.

She pivoted her head towards me, the swiftness making even me cringe. Her eyes, lined with the same black eye liner and yellow eye shadow she always wears, stared holes into my soul.

"I believe in you, G. I'm realistic, which is why what you're doing is bullshit. ou know it too."


Guzma ran off just as the cheering started to pick up. I know he said he'd be right back, but him being by himself surrounded by weary towns people set me on edge. I pat Hala on his shoulder and fixed the collar of his trademark yellow shirt before wishing him well and running off after Guzma.

I watched him disappear behind a house and before I could see him, I heard yelling. I hid out of sight and listened.

'What are you doing with her?' The rest of the statement was inaudiable. The voice belonged to a woman and was very familiar. I peeked around the corner and saw Plumeria starting to get in Guzma's face.

"Damnit can't you see? Someone of her social status would never settle for one of our kind. She wouldn't jepordize what Alola thinks of her for you." She yelled.

What are they talking about? I continued to watch as she calmed down.

"You just started getting healthy. I have been here for you though all of your bullshit, G. I am the one who helped heal you. I am the one who can make you happy..." She said something else but her volume lowered to a mumble.

She rubbed her temples for a moment, then in a swift movement, she pulled herself to Guzma and kissed him. I gasped and hid back around the corner. Guzma and Plumeria? I thought he didn't see her that way. My spirits dropped at the tought of him abandoning his Trials and running away with her. I sunk down to the ground and wrapped my arms around my legs. My Z-Bracelet rattled as I adjusted myself to a comfortable spot.

"You aren't what I fucking want Plumes, how many times do I gotta get it through your thick skull?" Guzma growled.

A loud slapping sound bounced off the walls and Plumeria stormed away. She turned on her heel just feet away from me and pointed towards Guzma. My heart was racing, I really hoped she didn't see me sitting down here. I can't even imagine how mad she'd be.

"Screw you, G. You're gonna fail and I'm not gonna be here to pick up the pieces." She said, her voice cracking.

She was wearing a small bag and she threw it on the ground, "You're gonna need that, 'Mighty Trainer'"

She screamed and left. The way she stomped her feet reminded me of an old cartoon. She really was an over dramatic, animated woman. I peeked around the corner again and watched Guzma cover his eyes with the palms of his hands and sigh. I got up and walked into sight. I picked up the bag on my way to him and grabbed his wrist, pulling his hand away from his face. He looked at me in horror, words caught in his throat. It seemed as though his eyes were watering. His cheek was red. She hit him. Anger bubbled up but I got over it just enough to smile at him.

"I know it's not much but if you want, I'll be here to pick up any pieces you need me to." I spoke softly and handed him his bag.

He stood there against the wall in silence, not breaking eye contact with me for even a second. I studied his features. He hasn't changed much in the last few years, but something drew me in more than ever before. Before I could even think about suggesting we keep moving, he pulled me into his arms and hugged me tightly. I returned the gesture and felt his strong figure start to shake. We remained like this before breaking apart. I didn't mind. If he needed a good hug then I am going to do my damn best to provide.

He knelt down and transfered the contents of the bag Plumeria had left into the backpack I gave him. The items were odds and ends things mostly, but he seemed happy that she packed up his jacket and Z-Ring. He slipped both on and slung the backpack over his shoulder. He then folded the other bag down and stuffed it in the water bottle pouch.

"Where to next?" He said, clearing his throat to dismiss his moment of weakness.

"Well, I need to say hi to mom before we go. Is that okay?" I asked.

"Not a problem with me, lady-bro." He smirked.

We walked to the edge of town and waved goodbye to Hala. Our steps sinchronized on and off down the trail. I kept looking over at him without even thinking about it and a few times I could feel my ears getting hot when he caught me. I chewed on my lip as I listeded to our steps crunch the dirt below.

Oh sweet Arceus, I realized.

I want him.


A/N aaaahhhh yiiissss I love the heck out of Plumes POOR CHILD. It's a shame Guzma doesn't bah dum tssss

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