Prepare Yourself

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It was still dark when I awoke. I stretched and felt Arcanine's warm body sprawled out next to me. The moonlight flooding through the large second floor window lit up my loft just enough to see my team, my family, happily sleeping about the floor and cushions on the floor. My "room" was practically one big pillow fort and a desk. 

I took a second to just... watch. I was always an early riser. 8 hour sleeping periods on the dot, never failing. Must be my superpower.  Arcanine squirmed as I got off the bed and put my slippers on. Alolan nights are normally warm, but the storm dropped the temperature quite a bit. I quietly made my way down the staircase, caffeine was an absolute essential if I planned to help someone with their trials. 

Guzma was fast asleep on the couch, his forearm covered his eyes and his blanket tangled itself up around his legs. He used the arm of the couch as a pillow and gave the one he was supposed to sleep on to his Masquerian. The gesture made me smile, what a sweet man. He snored lightly and rolled over, now facing the back of the couch.

I carefully stepped around his Pokemon and stepped into the kitchen. It was small, but it was perfect for me. On the "kitchen" part of the bar, I installed a curtain to help keep the light from overwhelming anyone in the living room. Gladion crashed here a lot back when Lillie tried to help co-run the Aether Foundation, and that man is mean in the mornings. This was our compromise. I drew the curtain and turned on the light above the sink. 

My coffee maker bubbled quietly as the brew filled the pot. The scent of Komala coffee wafted from the machine and gave my kitchen a spark of life. This was honestly my favorite part of the morning.

"That smells great." Guzma's sleepy voice whispered behind me.

"Oh, Guzma! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to wake you." I apologized profusely.

Arceus knows a cranky man does not make for a good start to an adventure.

"No it's okay, I needed to get up soon anyways. Do you mind if I have some of that too?" He pointed to the coffee.

I hesitated and stared at him. Moonlight doesn't do wonders for details, but regular lights do. He wasn't wearing a shirt. The remarkably fit man stood in my doorway, stretching as he yawned, his muscles unknotting from the night's sleep on the couch. He rubbed his eyes and leaned against the doorway.

"What?" He looked at me suspiciously.

"I'm sorry," I squeaked, "I um, don't normally see a lot of shirtless men in this joint." 

I laughed nervously as he rubbed his shoulder and shrugged. 

"I can throw something on if this makes you uncomfortable." He offered.

"Oh, it's okay. It's not that I mind-" The coffee maker buzzed quietly and saved me from the hole I was digging myself. 

I quickly dug out two mugs from my glasses cabinet and poured us each a cup of coffee. The black liquid sloshed around the cup as I brought Guzma his. He took it and the liquid settled immediately. It wasn't that I was nervous, per se, I'm just bad at carrying cups of liquid.

"Want any creamer? Sugar?" I asked.

He simply shook his head and blew away the steam. His big hands wrapped tightly around the cup and he took a big gulp of the coffee. I watched to see his reaction, half heartedly putting creamer into my own beverage so I wouldn't take my focus completely off of him.

"It tastes even better than it smells, yo!" He said excitedly.

I shushed him and he mouthed 'right, right.' We sat up on the counter and finished our beverages in silence.

~ ~ ~

The sun finally peaked through the windows, and was met immediately by barking. Arcanine and Lopunny raced down the stairs and had to come to a grinding halt to not run over Guzma's poor disoriented team.

"Who's ready for another day?" I cheered.

From up in the loft groans, screeches, and huffs could be heard. At least that was something. 

I was ready as hell for today.

Guzma's POV

Te sound of Y/N's barking was a little overwhelming but I could see how that has become a routine wake up call for her team. Half of them were Dark or Ghost so mornings would definitely be hard for them. Her Arcanine scared my Bugs half to death with how fast it ran down the stairs. They all scurried up onto the couch and watched the fire dog crouch as though it was about to pounce. That made me incredibly uneasy too. Instinct forced me in front of Y/N, I wouldn't let her own team hurt her. That ain't right. 

Then it charged. Before I had any time to react, Y/N's thin figure rushed the Pokemon. She wrapped her arms around its thick, fluffy neck and knocked it over. I stood, mesmerized as she wrestled with that beast on the floor. She was actually laughing. Her black hair was done in two lose braids that bounced around as she tried to pin Arcanine down. The match ended quickly when Arcanine got lose. It pinned Y/N to the ground and started licking her face, her laughter was uncontrollable.

"You are insane." I breathed and ran a hand through my hair.

"I don't win often, but it's what pumps up Arcanine so I do what I can to have happy pokemon throughout the day." She said, half out of breath. 

She shoved off the Arcanine and I ran to her to help her up.

"Thanks" She smiled.

I watched as she collected some items and shoved them in a backpack. She took out three pokeballs and hid them away in the entertainment stand the T.V. rested on. She called down her team an instructed Lopunny, Zoroark, and Decidueye to stay home and guard the house while we were away, and recalled Arcanine, Gengar, and Golisopod to their pokeballs. 

"Here." Y/N handed me a black backpack, "I saw that Plumeria left with the bag you two had at the beach so here's something to carry your stuff in the meantime."

I took the bag and looked inside. There were some black t-shirts, medical items, and Pokebeans. I was very grateful that she had some men's shirts laying around. After our coffee she brought me fresh clothes and I poked fun at her for having these types of clothing laying around. She insisted that she wore men's clothes and got a batch in the wrong size but I had a difficult time believing her. Someone who carried her status and frankly, looks the way she does, has to be a heart breaker.

I slung the bag over my shoulder and opened the door for her.

"What a gentleman." She teased.

"Don't push your luck, lady." I stuck my tongue out after her.

We waved goodbye to her Pokemon and started back to Paniola Town.

"Do you have a ride pager?" Y/N asked once we reached the outskirts of town.

I shook my head. One of the many things I didn't earn.

"Well, alright. This means we will have to fly together, alright?" She stated.

She pulled out her ride pager and called forth a Charizard. She climbed on with ease, while I practically stumbled onto it's back.

"Sorry, big guy."

"Okay so, wrap your arms around my waist, and hold on tight." She said, trying not to sound too excited.

"Don't we need gear?" I pressed. Flying made me nervous.

"Not with me we don't!" She shouted, and we were up in the air in a matter of seconds.

My hair whipped around violently in the jet streams of air. Adrenaline and fear made a hell of a rush that had my heart beating damn near out of my chest. 

"Holy shit!" The wind took my breath away and I tightened my hold on Y/N.

She laughed wildly and tried to look back at me, "You'll be okay! I promise."



Yo, yo, yo! We are on a roll! Please bear with me and all of the filler! Things will pick up pretty soon! Gotta really build up ya boy!  

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