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He came to save me. Relief washed over my everything as he barreled towards us. Gladion followed suit, which took me by surprise. What was he doing here? Oh boy, what was he doing with Guzma?

"Listen here ya bunch'a brats, you're gonna turn around and get outta here. Now, it's up to you how hard this has to be." He threatened.

The two girls scoffed, "Your Pokemon are no match for us!"

"You blew up a town and are assaulting a woman. We ain't settling this over a battle." His posture changed to a much more threatening, upright position that showed off just how large of a man he is.

His threat of violence startled them. The both of them frantically looked around and called out the other goons that were hiding as back-up no doubt. He cracked his knuckles and pushed on his jaw to crack his neck and braced for a brawl.

"Ugh! Fine! Let's roll, Tiff." One hollered.

"Got it, Nex!"

Seriously? I figured they skipped their names in the introduction to add a sense of mystery to their terrorism.

Tiff looked me dead in the eye and growled, "You will consider our request. We have eyes on you and can make your life a living Hell if you don't comply. You've got a lot to lose, and we will come for everything you hold dear."

With that, they all ran off.

You've got a lot to lose... Her threat, no, her promise weighed down on me like a ton of bricks.

"Uh... Need any help up? You look pretty beat up..." Guzma said, sheepishly.

His hand was extended out to mine, but he was looking away. Great, we can add my heart to the growing list of things that are killing me right now. Being blown up and spied on is a pretty effective distraction from everything. I took his hand and he gently brought me to my feet.

"Guzma..." I started.

"Y/NN (Your nickname)!" Gladion called out and quickly wrapped me in a hug. "I'm so glad you're okay!"

I winced at his touch and he immediately backed off.

"We need to get you to a Pokemon Center." He looked to Guzma, "Could you round up her team and make sure everyone is safe?"

"Oh, um, maybe you'd be better at doing that. I'm not very popular 'round these parts..." He trailed off, visibly uncomfortable.

I gave a very obvious "read the Room" cough directed at Gladion and he huffed at me, "But I haven't seen you yet and I can't trust an oaf to keep you safe."

"Please don't whine, jealousy is an ugly color on you, you know." I joked through my shallow breathing.

He rolled his eyes and left us to go help the townspeople and my team. Huh, he grew out his hair. His bangs are still bouncy as ever but he had some of it pulled back in a low medium length ponytail. His lab coat concealed his frame, but it seemed like he was still healthy. That made me happy, before I left he always had issues with eating three meals a day.

"Come on, let's get you looked at." Guzma said softly and led me to the Pokemon Center.

Guzma's POV

All I feel is regret and shame when I look at her. I can tell she's been stealing glances but I can't bring myself to meet them. She must be furious with how I was acting. Honestly, helping a bunch of injured townies sounds infinitely better than getting ripped a new one by Y/N. It's fine though. She can do whatever she wants to me, I just don't want to lose her.

"I'm really sorry to ask this but do you mind if I lean on you for support? My legs hurt a lot more than I thought they would." She asked.

I put her arm over my shoulder and scooped her up.

"Oh! You duh-don't have to do that." She sputtered through a wince.

"Don't be stupid, I'm too tall to brace you any other way." Dude seriously learn when to shut up!

When we walked through the doors of the Center she was immediately taken away by the attending nurse and I was ushered to the waiting area. A very crowded waiting area. I groaned and plopped down as far as humanly possible from everyone else. It wasn't a ton of space between me and the next guy but it'd have to do. I can't believe on top of everything I have to deal with a stupid crows.

"S'cuse me? Is this seat taken?" A young woman in overalls asked.

"Uh? A buddy of mine might need to steal it from ya but till then, free country." I shrugged.

"I saw you out there, you scared off those thugs right?" She beamed at me.

I leaned away from her and crossed my arms, "I didn't do nothin', cowards run. It's just a matter of time."

She just stared in awe and frankly was starting to creep me out. Why was she being so nice to me?

"What do you want?" I grunted.

"I just wanted to meet the guy who saved us today. You're not as bad as I've heard. You seem really sweet."

It's been Ten years since I was the leader of Team Skull and looked upon as the worst thug of them all, and in a matter of weeks the tarnished reputation I worked so hard to fix started to show progress. This realization made me laugh.

"I promise I'm not." I flashed her a sly side grin.

Our conversation was cut off by one of the nurses waving me over to the front counter. I waved the stranger goodbye and rushed to the front.

"Is everything okay?" I said quietly.

The nurse leaned in slightly and nodded, "She has a broken rib and is mildly concussed, and has some bad bruises but she'll be fine. She declined our request to keep her overnight, so she can go home as long as she has supervision throughout the night."

"Of course, I'll keep a close eye on her, don't worry."

She spun on her heel and left to go retrieve Y/N. I sighed in relief and almost choked on the relaxation when someone patted my back."

"Thanks for taking care of her, I can take it from here." Gladion had a shit eating grin on his angular face.

"No, I can handle things. I need to talk to her." I said firmly.

There was a brief moment of tension between the two of us before I saw Y/N hobble out of the back room. She had a weak smile on her face when I finally locked eyes with her. Oh, what am I gonna do?

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2021 ⏰

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