Kahuna Confusion

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Guzma's POV

"Hey, we gotta go." Y/N poked my shoulder with the toe of her shoe.

"I just need a minute, yo. That was seriously wild." I gasped, hugging the sweet, sweet Earth.

The Charizard chuckled mischievously and took off when Y/N dismissed her. I rolled over and looked at the clouds floating aimlessly around the sky. A flock of Swablu bounced their way across my view, and I tilted by head towards Y/N, who had her arms crossed.

"What's that look for?" I laughed.

"We need to get going, Ilima usually doesn't like it when his trials run late!" She huffed.

"Well alright," I got up and brushed the dirt off the back of my shorts, "It's pretty though. Don't worry, you'll learn to be able to stop and enjoy the little things like that soon enough."


What? Stop and enjoy things? I do stop and enjoy things! I stuck my tongue out at him and scowled.

"Okay, anyways, we should go to the Hau'oli City docks. Ilima is always there." I pulled out my Rotodex and showed him where we were, and where we needed to be.

He nodded and followed me closely. I smirked at his almost bouncing step. It was painfully obvious that he was excited. 

At the docks, Ilima was flirting with some tourists fresh of the boat. It was busy today, people were bustling to get their tickets and to find their place in line for their voyage. The crowds around us shifted uncomfortably, waving awkwardly at us as I smiled and greeted their general directions. I walked up to Ilima and tapped the shoulder on the opposite side of me, as a joke. He fell for it and snapped his attention towards me, laughing.

"Y/N! What are you doing in this neck of the woods?" He beamed while shaking my hand firmly.

"Actually, I'm here with him." I gestured towards Guzma, and he waved at us sheepishly.

"Wait- Y/N, you can't be serious. You and him?" He sounded more surprised than he should have.

I scolded him, "I'm not here with him. I'm here with him. He's doing his trials and I'm helping."

"Still, you can't be serious." He laughed nervously.

I frowned at him. His dark face twisted in distaste. 

"I am dead serious." I growled.

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I suppose. Meet me at Verdant Cavern. We will see just how far he gets this time." He glared at Guzma before shooing away the women he previously expressed interest in, and walked away.

Guzma's gaze followed as he left and his shoulders slumped. He looked back to me and ran his hand through his hair. It was almost mesmerizing, watching his wavy hair bounce and wrap around his moving fingers. 

"You alright? You look kinda bummed out." I nudged him.

"It's whatever, yo. We should get going too, I don't want to keep Ilima waiting." He shoved his hands into his pockets and started back up the dock.

~ ~

The walk to Verdant Cavern was fairly painful. The usual trainers that jumped on the very though of battle avoided us as we made our way through the routes. It was weird for me. Normally I could hardly walk two steps down an area like this without having someone challenge me. 

Ilima was leaning against the entrance pillars and yawned into his hand.

"You know the deal, Guzma." He said venomously.

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