Chapter 37

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Akeem POV

I sat at the table and looked out to see if I saw her coming.

Lately I've just been so stressed out about everything especially with Shyla.

So I decided to just meet up with someone just to kill time .

She was the one who actually had contacted me last night and I agreed to meet with her for lunch .

But it's not surprising that she would be late .

Just as I was about to get up she walked into the restaurant and scanned the area until she saw me .

She smiled and walked over to me .

"Hey you " she said hugging me .

"Your ass is late Jayda" I said chuckling.

"Sorry I was coming from this meeting, I'm in the process of opening up my own salon so it's a lot of work " she said sitting down then picking up her menu

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"Sorry I was coming from this meeting, I'm in the process of opening up my own salon so it's a lot of work " she said sitting down then picking up her menu .

"Really, that's good to hear that your still on your grind " I nodded.

"Mhmmmm, so how are you doing, I'm surprised you actually agreed to this " she said looking at me .

"Well I had the time and I thought why not catch up with my long time ex girlfriend that I haven't seen in a while " I said smirking.

"Mhmmmm interesting, I'm assuming that you and your girl broke up huh " she replied.

I debated on whether I wanted to tell her or not and decided I would .

Shit it's not like India care anymore so it's whatever.

"Yea we not together anymore, why you ask " I said out of  curiosity.

Obviously I knew she knew from before hand she was just trying to be smart .

"Just was wondering that's all"

Before I could answer the waiter came over to us .

"Hey I'm John and I'll be your waiter today are you ready to order" he said smiling at Jayda .

"Yea , I'll have the double cheeseburger with sweet potato fries and a side of onion rings and a coke  " I said to him .

"Sure thing how about you maim " he asked Jayda .

"I'll have the steak and mash potatoes with lemon water thanks " she smiled while handing him back out menus.

He nodded and walked off .

"Well he looked like he wanted to proper fuck you at this table " I said smirking.

She looked at me amused before smiling.

"Why you so concerned, maybe I would of let him " she said with a smirk.

I knew how Jayda was , she knew exactly what to do to get me exactly how she wanted me .

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