Chapter two

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Kurt rubbed Mason's back slowly. "Shh, it's okay sweetie.." Kurt whispers, picking his son up from the airport floor. "Papa?" Mason asks quietly his fingers clutching onto Kurt's shirt tightly. "When will I see daddy and Hope again?" Mason looks up at him tears filling up his eyes.

Kurt sighs softly, rubbing his back slowly in circles. "I don't know honey.." Kurt says quietly sitting down onto the chairs to wait to board. Mason frowned playing with his jawstrings on his hoodies. "I miss daddy.." Mason whimpered.

"I miss daddy too." Kurt whispers tears filling up into his eyes. "God, I need some advil, Can you hand me that bag sweetheart?" Mason nodded dragging the bag over infront of Kurt's feet. Kurt zipped it open taking two advil with water. Mason watching him curiously.

Kurt chuckled and picked him up setting him onto his lap. "Okay, The plane leaves in 15 minutes. Do you wanna talk to daddy?" Kurt asked looking down at Mason who nodded eagerly.

Blaine answered the phone on the second ring rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Hello?" Blaine questions looking around his room. Mason's giggle sounded through the phone. "Daddy!!" Mason squeals. "I only talk 15 minutes."

Blaine chuckles brokenly. "Hey buddie? Where are you right now?" Blaine asked, the sounds of crying in the background. There was a muffle sound from Kurt sounding a lot like 'Airport' before Mason answered. "Papa says, Airport."

Blaine smiles softly calming Hope down from her nap time for the second time that morning. "I see, Are you going to see grandma?" Blaine asked rocking Hope on his knee. Mason nodded answering. "Yes, Grandma Carole." Mason giggles.

"Daddy?" Mason asks, looking around before glancing at his papa. "Will you forever love me, even if we aren't together?" Blaine let out a strangeled noise before breathing heavy. "Yes, Of course buddy.." Blaine smiles slightly.

Mason sighs of releif. "Oh good, Papa says it's our turn to board up. So bye daddy, I'll talk to you later." Mason calls into the phone. Blaine wipes his eyes. "Love you too, Talk to you-" The phone call ended causing Blaine to set his phone down holding Hope close.

Blaine sighed looking out the window of the kitchen holding Hope close to his chest. "It's okay, sweetie.. I know it sucks that Papa is gone but you still have daddy..." Blaine whispers looking at her. He sighed looking down at her. Her blue eyes peering up at him.

Blaine sucked in a deep breath cooeing at her. "Aww, You look just like papa.." Blaine smiles kissing her forehead. "Such a beautiful baby girl." Blaine smiles softly at her. Hope giggles looking up at him, making squealing noises. Blaine smiles down at her. "I miss your papa." Blaine says to himself.

Blaine smiles at her looking down at him. "Oh god, I'm turning into a weirdo and talking to myself.." Blaine groans quietly, looking down at his daughter. "More nap time and then it's time for supper, lovebug." Blaine kisses her cheek picking her up and walking over to her room to put her to sleep.

He layed her down in the crib rubbing her tummy before turning the lights off. Blaine moved out to go eat some supper for himself before rushing off to quickly shower and get dressed. He had work tomorrow, He decided calling Santana to come babysit would be the best idea.

- -

Kurt sent Mason upstairs to their shared room before walking into the kitchen and walking straight into Carole's warm embrace. "I love you so much." Kurt whispers into her ear hugging her a little tighter. "Please tell me everything will be alright." Carole hugged him tightly. "Tell me everything over coffee.."

"Actually can I have tea instead? Coffee reminds me the smell of Blaine." Kurt replies quietly sitting down on a bar stool. "Ever thought of getting a smaller house?"

Carole chuckled and shrugged her shouldere. "I don't know maybe? Just downsize in rooms down to three." Carole smiles softly going to turn the kettle on. "Has Mason asked you anything about Blaine?" Kurt nodded slowly.

"Yeah, All the time. He talked to him earlier in New York on the phone." Kurt replies looking up at Carole from his consetration on his fingers resting on the counter. Carole smiles sadly at him. "I'm sorry you feel it's falling down hill."

Kurt nodded slowly looking up at Carole. "I think I need to go to the-" Kurt says before cutting himself off and running down the hallway to throw up into the toilet. Carole rushed following behind him.

"Oh honey? Are you alright..." Carole cooed rubbing his back, While Kurt throws up harshly into the toilet. "I'm fine, I'm gonna get some more sleep... I think I have the stomach flu..."

Carole nods frowning. "Oh alright, I'll take Mason to the grocery store while you go sleep.." Carole smiles softly helping Kurt stand back up, Kurt let out a 'fuck' under his breath dizzy and wobbling around.

"Shit, Okay I'm going to sleep.. See you guys later." Kurt says weakly walking into the bedroom, Carole guided Mason downstairs telling him papa was gonna go to sleep. Kurt crawled under the blankets his head hitting the pillow he was out cold sleeping.

_ _

Blaine walked into his classroom smiling at all the children. "Good morning class.." Blaine smiles setting his book bag onto his desk before turning towards his class of 20 students. "Today we will be learning about Figurative writing, called personification, Can anybody tell me what that means?"

Lucy raised her hand up pushing her blonde hair behind her shoulders. "Mr Anderson, Why do you have bags under your eyes?" She questioned looking over at him with pleading eyes.

Blaine chuckled and turned towards the board. "Stay on task please guys... personification means to give non human or objects with human characteristics.." Blaine explained turning back to the class.

Luke grinned raising his hand. "Mr Anderson, Karla won't let me play with her hair." Luke complained crossing his arms. Blaine looked over at them sternly. "Luke, She tells you no you stop." Blaine replies. "Don't make me talk to your mom after school.."

Luke huffs out before copying the notes off the board. "Does anybody know any examples?" Blaine questions glancing around at everyone. Gabrial raised his hand, Blaine motioned for him to talk. "Lightening danced across the sky?" Gabrial asked tilting his head.

Blaine smiled at him nodding his head. "Yes, good job.. Okay now onto metaphor.." He continued on.. The school bell rang indicating school day was done, Blaine packed up his book bag to head back home to get back to Hope.

Zachary walked hesitantly up to Blaine. "Mr Anderson? Can I ask you a question..." Zachary asked his homeroom teacher nervously, Blaine turned to him and smiled nodding him to encourage to continue. "Yes, of course. What's up?" Blaine replies.

Zachary sighed quietly before looking down at his worn out converse. "Is it okay to be gay?" Zachary asked looking back up to Blaine. Blaine smiled widely nodding. "Of course it is, I like guys and I'm perfectly fine. Do you think you are gay?"

Zachary nodded his agreement. "Yes.. I do think I am." Zachary mumbled tapping his feet nervously. Blaine patted his shoulder. "You ignore those comments, okay buddie? And We can talk more later about it?" Blaine replies, The boy nodded before hurrying out the door.

Blaine smiled before continuing to clean his desk up and then head home to Hope, He smiled at the thought of her.



Hello, How are you guys today?? Hopefully this chapter is alright, the next couple of chapters will get kinda rough I find. Anyways see you next week :))

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- Alysha

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