Chapter Eleven

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Blaine hated flying on planes, especially when up so high and having to travel with infants. Okay so maybe his own kids were still sleeping but Kurt was like a baby on a plane. He wiggled around restlessly, and Blaine was pretty should he just about had a heartattack until he savely grabbed Hope from his arms and held her close to his body.

But then of course Hope wouldn't have any of that and decided to start sobbing loud and painful cries while making grabby hands towards Kurt's shirt, which considerably woke up the entire plane from their sleep since it was almost 2 in the morning. Kurt woke up with a deadly glare at Blaine taking his little girl back and calming her down.

Which left Blaine to deal with and ignore the passengers who were still glaring at him because he couldn't get his own girl asleep. Just as Blaine was about to read his favorite Harry Potter book he heard an innocent sentence that made Blaine dread this whole trip to their new home. "Daddy! I have to pee." Mason said, Groaning inside Blaine lifted Mason up and took him to the airplane bathroom where he made a fuss that 'he didn't have enough toilet paper'.

So when the plane finally landed Blaine picked up Mason grabbed their carry ons, and snapped at Kurt to hurry and wake up. He sighed tiredly, out of all those six hours on the plane he hadn't slept at all. Kurt rolled his eyes at his husband and got up holding Hope in his arms and followed his husband.

Blaine escorted them up to their new house excitedly unlocking and opening up the door. The family of four walked inside the neatly kept house already having their furniture set up and everything. "Home sweet home." Blaine explained setting Mason down on the floor, he closed the front door locking it up.

Mason jumped clapping his hands excitedly and then ran down the hallway looking for his new bedroom. Blaine chuckles taking Hope from Kurt and heading into the kitchen to give her usual supper. Kurt watched his husband fondly. "Mason has playschool at 11 in the morning till 2 in the afternoon." Kurt said following behind Blaine into the kitchen.

Blaine nodded. "Yeah I remember, i'm going to the recording studio Wednesday, You have Hope on Wednesday right?" Blaine asked hopefully. Kurt nodded. "Yes, i'm going in tomorrow at 11 am so i'll drop Mason off you just have to pick him up. I have designs and planning to make."

"Okay." Blaine easily agreed smiling at his husband. "How does pizza sound for tonight with a garden salad?" Kurt nodded smiling. "Look at you being all healthy now, back in high school you would have been eating burgers and fries." Blaine rolled his eyes handing Hope off to Kurt and turns to make homemade pizza.

Kurt smirked at him walking off into the living room. He was pleased with the house they had now, it was big, spacious and the neighborhood was good for children. He walked outside sitting down on the desk chair swing, moving them back and forth chuckling as Hope dozed off herself.

Kurt arrived at the playschool, grimicing as Mason clutched onto his hand tightly. "Papa? I don't wanna go." Mason whined his lips forming a small pout, tears filling his eyes. Kurt sighed slightly getting himself down to his height. "Sweetie, I know you don't want to go.. but maybe you'll meet some new friends?" Kurt suggested.

Mason shuddered at the thought of 'new friends'. "But I have you, and Daddy, and Hope?" Mason said confused. "You guys are my friends, I don't want new ones." He frowned at the thought. Kurt chuckles. "Go make new ones little guy, okay? For Daddy and I?" Kurt says lightly.

Mason nodded with a new found mission on his face as he marched into his new classroom walking towards the teacher. Today was Blaine's first day teaching kindergarten. He walked inside his new classroom grinning at all his decorations on the walls. He smiled waving at all his new students this morning.

Mercedes was babysitting Hope till 2 o clock, where Blaine would pick up Mason and head back home to take over his fatherly duties. Blaine introduced himself and then let the kindergarten's introduce themselves before he started there first lesson of the day; how to write your own name. Blaine chuckled lightly at the kids, they were quite humorous at times.

Blaine had the best morning ever, he arrived at home just after 2 o clock, Mason sprinted inside talking a mile a minute. "Hi Mercedes!" Mason squealed hugging her tightly. Mercedes chuckled handing Hope to Blaine, who smiled at her. "Thank you so much Mercedes. Was she good today?" Blaine asked.

"Of course she was. She was a princess as always." Mercedes chuckled hugging Mason back tightly. Blaine smiled happily. "Good girl." Blaine whispered to Hope kissing her forehead.  "Daddy?" Mason asked yanking on Blaine's pants now. Blaine looked down at him questiongly. "If Hope is a princess, am I a prince?"

Blaine chuckled at the little boys imagination. "Yes that means your a prince, and Papa and I are the kings." Blaine winked at him smiling.

Kurt was intimitated by everyone when he walked towards his own office. Their was a name tag on it that read 'Kurt Anderson' and it made everything in Kurt's body tingle. "Kurt?" His boss Sophia smiled widely. "Come me, We need to get started on your clothing line."

Kurt nodded excitedly, his eyes full of light and excitment. "Okay, So I was thinking of doing a mens clothing line.. and maybe doing a line of bowties?" Kurt responded smiling big. "Excellent choice." Sophia grinned. "I'll take you to our drawers that draw the clothing and everything." Sophia passed by a room handing Kurt at sketchbook and pencil.

"I hear you draw yourself too?" Sophia asked smirking at the shocked expression on Kurt's face. "Who told you that?" Kurt asked confused as he walked into the backroom where a group of people sat with sketch books and sketches everywhere on the walls. "I'll never tell."

Kurt sat down at an empty chair clutching his bag close to him, looking around he looked back at his paper.

Dear readers

Hello it's Kurt Hummel here again. I haven't wrote on here for awhile and i'm sorry about that, but i'm back right now. Currently Blaine and I moved to LA, I'm gonna be beginning a new job, and Blaine is a teacher for kindergarten.

I'm not famous at all, but I'm coming out with a clothing line next fall and Blaine might be coming out with a recod deal cd. I am out of rehab even though I didn't need to be in it, my brain anyerusums have gone away for now and i'm in a really happy life right now.

Don't give up, i'm the representive of power and strength.

Love Kurt Hummel.



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- Alysha

(ps: the video in the media at the beginning is of klaine's new house)

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