Chapter Eight

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Kurt breathed a sigh of relief at realizing he wasn't gonna be in the hospital anymore. And although Kurt had heard that rehab was usually for crazy people, (Blaine even assured him he wasn't crazy) Kurt still was glad to be gone from the hospital. It reminded him of Finn, and Burt when they died.

Kurt sighed softly glancing over at Blaine. "Why can't I go in the airport with you guys?" Kurt whined holding Mason's hand just a little tighter, causing him to whine that Papa was holding his hand to tight. "Sorry little guy." Kurt mumbled.

Blaine sighed shrugging, he rested a hand onto Kurt's shoulder. "I know baby... Do you have any idea how this will be for me?" Blaine asked raising an eyebrow at his- Kurt. Kurt huffed his breath showing up in the coldness of the weather.

"I know, I know... but seriously!! A whole month in that rehab place, I already spent a month in the hospital isn't that toture enough?" Kurt said throwing his hands up all childishly. Blaine sighed kissing Kurt's cheek. "The car is here, here's your luggage and Kurt don't forget us here.. We love you.. all of us." Blaine responds.

Kurt nodded stiffly grabbing his two suitcases, he kissed Hope and Mason on the forehead. "I love you guys, Be good for daddy.. Okay?" Kurt smiles softly at them before getting into the van letting the driver load the luggage up. They pulled out of the hospital driveway, Kurt waved at his family until he couldn't see them.

Kurt turned to face the front tears running down his cheeks as he let out quiet choked off sobs into his hands.

Blaine stiffly turned towards Mason. "Well buddy, It's time to go to the airport okay?" Blaine responds taking ahold of Mason's hand and tugging him lightly towards the car waiting with Carole and Rachel inside of it. He smiled at them as he got inside.

"Luggage already in car, Right?" Blaine asked. Carole nodded swiftly smiling at him. "He didn't look to impresed with me.. Told me he loved me." He shrugged softly buckling Hope and Mason up in their car seats, before leaning back. "Rachel? Are you gonna be able to help me with babysitting?"

"Brittany is pregnant so she said she will be coming over three times a week until you get off work to come home." Rachel responds. "She babysits Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays.. I babysit Wednesday and thursday."

Blaine nodded thanking her for helping him out. "Oh god.. i'm gonna be so tired.." Blaine breathes out tiredly as he rubs his eyes. "Your coming with me on the plane right?" Rachel nodded encouraging.

"You can do it. Your the worlds greatest daddy, and Kurt's the worlds greatest Papa." Rachel replies patting Blaine's shoulder comfortingly. Blaine smiled back at her. "Thank you Rach." Blaine answers getting out of the vechicle, Blaine held Hope in his arms and held onto Mason's hand. "Rachel get the bags please."

* *

Blaine walked into his house sighing of relief when the smell of home filled his nose and stomach with butterflies. He smiled when he saw Mason run off to his play room. Blaine chuckles pulling in his two suitcases, thanking Rachel and wishing her a well night.

Blaine didn't start work until a week later, He walked into his classroom smiling and waving at the classmates he hadn't seen since he went to Ohio. "Hey guys.. Today will be starting our new unit in Language Arts.. I will start reading a books and book reports." Blaine replied.

One boy, Jacob smiled his eyes lighting up once he saw Blaine at the front. "Mr Anderson, How is your family?" Jacob questioned grinning at him. Blaine smiled at all the eager students. "Great, Thank you for asking. My daughter is learning how to walk and Mason is going to be enrolled into playschool within a months time."

Jacon nodded along with the rest of his classmates. "What books are we reading today Mr Anderson?" Jacob asked opening up his notebook ready to take some notes on the books for later use. Blaine smiled and began to start his lesson to his class for that day.

Kurt groaned sitting in his room. He didn't like being here one bit, who was Blaine his husband to say that he was uncapable of living in their house until he went to rehab? He could walk and speak perfectly fine. But let's get one thing straight Kurt did not need to be in rehab with all the other crazy, weird people.

Kurt sighed pulling out his notebook, which one was one of the six 'fun' things he could bring. Kurt began to write, most of the time Kurt just wrote random paragraphs, or describe the colors outside, how beautiful his husbands ass and body in general was. But Kurt wasn't gonna write about that, he was gonna write about how scary, dark and cold it is in one room that he sleep with no windows.

How Kurt would never take for granted the nature and colorful rays of sunshine outside, He wouldn't push his husband away, instead he would keep him and they would work through both of their problems. Kurt would somehow manage to buy his kids a little bit cheaper clothing.

Kurt may change his kids clothing but he wouldn't be able to handle going into cheaper clothing then Calvin Klein and Mark Jacobs. Kurt looked around his room sighing for some inspiration.

Dear Readers:

I am writing to you guys about what it's like being in a dark place, cold and miserable with no family and no windows. First off it's lonley I really miss my family, which consists of my daughter Hope, My son Mason, and my husband Blaine. Blaine and I didn't start dating until we were dating on a fake lie.. forced into happiness that we never thought would last. It all was a high school romance then my brother died and I got a baby boy named Mason, we got back together four years after graduation. I absulutely hated Blaine, he was the quaterback and popular. And although I was a cheerio I still was getting thrown into dumpsters and lockers.

My life wasn't perfect at all, It was lonely and boring and I didn't live like a normal human being until I met Blaine...



Did that last part kinda confuse you?
I hope I didn't confuse anybody, or make them curious 😏

- Alysha (1089)

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