Chapter Seven

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"Doctor? I think he squeezed my hand." Blaine says, looking at Carole worriedly.. Carole called for doctor Harris. "Yes Mr Anderson?" The doctor asked concerned. Blaine's smile grew huge. "He squeezed my hand." Blaine whispers quietly, holding Hope close to his chest.

Kurt's hand twitched before his grip became harder and more painful. The doctor grinned calling for a nurse to come in. "Mr Anderson?" The doctor asked peering at Kurt's face. Kurt's eyes fluttered open before realizing it was bright and shutting them again.

Carole noticed the distress of Kurt's eyes and quickly went to close them, Kurt's eyes opened again his eyes meeting The doctor's before glancing over at Blaine. "B-blaine?" Kurt asked surprised at Blaine showing up. Blaine noddee smiling. "Hope is here too, She really misses you..." Blaine smiles at him happily bouncing the baby on his knee.

Kurt shrugged. "Mason still here?" Kurt asked titling his head, Blaine shook his head looking at back at Kurt. "No, but he's been gone for three days.. he is with Sam somewhere abandanded." Blaine explained quietly. Kurt nodded knowingly. "Columbia.. a huge barn." Kurt replies silent tears coming down his cheeks.

Blaine frowned confused, his eyebrows raising. "Really? How do you know that?" Blaine asked quickly taking Kurt's hand and rubbing a soothing finger over his palm. Kurt blushed his cheeks turning a light blush. "Damn myself and my noticeable blush." He mutters under his breath.

Blaine chuckles rubbing his his hand now. "Your adorable... How do you know where Mason is?" Blaine asked more like demanded to him. Kurt shrugged his shoulders before groaning in pain. "I don't know? Maybe from my dream, I guess." Kurt replies.

Blaine nods slowly. "I guess that's possible.. I'll go call the two cops on our case." Blaine suggests pulling his Iphone out of his pocket. Kurt nodded slowly, he turned to look at Hope. "She's so big now.." Kurt responds. Blaine chuckled nodding, the cops answered on the second ring and quickly explained what was happening.

"The police are going out to columbia to see if they can find them..." Blaine smiles at Kurt. "I was told by the police that I couldn't go though..' He pouts.

Kurt nods happily. "So how long have I been out?" Kurt asked groggily stretching his arms. Blaine sighs looking back over at him. "A week." Blaine replies rubbing his eyes. "Have you slept at all?" Kurt asked narrowing his eyes on his husband.

Carole piped up before Blaine could respond "No he has certainly not. He's either been looking for Mason, Awake with Hope or begging you to wake up." Carole responds sternly. Kurt turned to Blaine with a glare. "Blaine Devon Anderson!!" Kurt responds glaring. "Go to sleep right now."

Blaine huffs quietly. "Thought we were divorcing?" Blaine snaps back at him quietly. "Shut up Blaine.. sleep, I need to talk to Carole for a little while.." Kurt responds, watching Blaine fall asleep. Kurt turned to Carole holding Hope close to his own chest.

"What is Blaine keeping from me?" Kurt asked worriedly at Carole, his eyes starting to shine with tears. Carole sighed. "A brain anyurism." Carole responds. "We're not sure what caused and why you had it yet.. the doctor said they would get back to us on that."

Kurt sighed tears falling down his cheeks. "So I could have died? Oh god poor Blaine." Kurt whispered into his daughter's hair. "So i'm going to rehab?" Carole nods. "How long?"

"A month is what they told us." Carole answered watching her step son look around and then go back to holding Hope closer to his body. "Your going to be going to New York for it, You will stay there a month and then Blaine will pick you up....."

Kurt nodded tears streaking down his cheeks. "I miss him, when will they release me?" Kurt asked curiously looking for any papers or notes he can look at. "Maybe a week or two?" Carole shrugs unsure.

The next day
the police officers stormed through the brown and red worn out barn in the middle of the feild towards Columbia. The police had roamed around asking everyone around the schools, and neighborhoods until they came across a Scarlett.

The police officers walked into the barn they had been told by one of Blaine's students mothers who had a crush on Blaine. One police officer named John moved to one side of the barn, the second one named Stacie went upstairs while the others looked around.

The sob and cry of a young boy came from one side of the barn, the direction John had gone towards. "Hey guys.. There's a young boy over here." John replied to the police officers, he kneeled down. "Hey, Are you Mason?"

Mason looked up with his blue eyes nodding slowly. "Yes.." he squaked out before his tears started to fall down his cheeks again. Stacie approached slowly kneeling down, she opened up her arms for Mason who quickly ran into them. "Where's daddy or papa?" Mason asked.

"There waiting for you with papa? Papa woke up." Stacie smiled at him. "Let's take him back to his parents before going to find though scum bags." Stacie barked out the orders.

Mason raced down the hallways of the hospital headed towards the room he always remembered. He shoved the doors open smiling wide when he saw his daddy and papa interacting with Hope and Grandma. "Daddy!! Papa!!" Mason shrieked.

Blaine turned to look at the door he grinned widely opening his arms letting the boy jump into them. "We missed you.. See papa woke up from his nap." Blaine smiles. Mason nodded looking at Kurt with a grin. "Hi Papa.." Mason whispers.

Kurt smiles back at him. "Hi Mason." Kurt responds. Blaine breathed out a relief looking at them all.


Merry Late Christmas!!

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- Alysha

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