Chapter Eighteen

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Meet Blaine Anderson, married with two kids, he's a muscian and is going on tour in two months. Now let me introduce you to his husband, Kurt Hummel, Fashion designer, won an award and is currently with a new men's line out inspired by Blaine Anderson. Meet Elijah Cooper, Rumor has it he was seen on a date with Mr Blaine Anderson. Blaine has so far denied these allegations saying that he is very much in love with his husband, but is he serious? Does he really love him or is he falling for his back up dancer? Tune in for more about Blaine Anderson.

Written by Jeff Sanders.


Blaine rolled his eyes exiting out of the website he turned to look at his husband who was red faced. "You flirted with him." Kurt accused jabbing a finger into his chest. "You fucking lied, and flirted and didn't even mention anything about being married."

Blaine looked down at his hands. "Look I'm really sorr-" Blaine started to explain, but Kurt cut him off. "Don't even try to apoligize, you better kick him off your dance team or else I'm leaving you behind." Kurt demanded. Blaine looked up at his husband then down at his hands.

"I forgot okay?" Blaine said throwing his hands up sadly. Kurt glared at him. "You don't just forget that your fucking married Blaine." Kurt answered back with a glare. "I think i'm gonna stay at Mercedes tonight, you can deal with the fucking kids tonight." Kurt left into their bedroom, probably to pack a bag.

Blaine sighed running his hands through his hair, Mason tugged on his pant leg. "Can we play outside?" Mason asked, with a pout. "Hope wants to swing too." Blaine nodded agreeing.

"Yes of course." Blaine smiled. "Go put your sweater on alright?" Mason nodded running into his bedroom to put his sweater on, Blaine helped Hope into her zipper sweater. "Let's go play!"

Mason raced out into their large backyard heading towards the sandbox by the swing set, Hope waddled herself out of the house stumbling a little wobbly down the steps, she held her arms up. "Swings." She stated.

Blaine chuckled lifting up onto the swing and pushing her back and forth on the swing watching Mason play with his trucks into the sand. "Where's Papa?" Mason questioned tilting his head.

"Oh, Umm he's hanging out with friends today and tomorrow.." Blaine responded. "Everything will be back to normal tomorrow, I hope." Mason nodded brushing his hands off before rushing to slide down the slide. Blaine chuckled, humming to himself as he watched them.

Blaine looked away for a moment, the swing came up smoking him on the jaw and eye. "Fuck.." he swore under his breath. Mason frowned. "Are you okay daddy?" Mason asked quickly, slowing the swing down. Blaine sighs. "I need to get to the doctors clinic, okay?" Blaine said, picking Hope up and grabbing Mason's hand.

Blaine and the kids walked back into the house, he locked the backdoor and took his phone and keys. "Let's go kids." Blaine replied, walking out the front door. He was blinded by flashing camera's and people yelling at him. "MR ANDERSON, CAN YOU TELL US WHY YOU CHEATED ON YOUR HUSBAND?" A reporter yelled shoving it into his face.

Blaine growled at him angrily, holding Hope closer, and pushes Mason behind him out of sight further from camera's. "BLAINE ANDERSON? DID KURT ANDERSON HIT YOU ON THE CHEEK?" Another reporter asked, Blaine glared at her before tugging them to their car.

He set Hope and Mason into the backseat putting their seatbelts on. Blaine got himself into the drivers seat and pulled out of the driveway and drove off to the doctors clinic. Fifteen minutes later and he was rushing into the clinic, carrying Hope and Mason running behind his father.

"Hey, I'm Blaine Anderson. Can the nurse or doctor see me today please?" Blaine asked pleadingly. The secretary nodded a little starstruck. "Of course Mr Anderson.. May I have your autograph?" She asked, Blaine nodded signing the paper quickly before he was let into a private room. Hope fell asleep on his lap while Mason played with his toy cars.


The next morning Blaine woke up to the sound of his phone vibrating with incoming notifications. He groaned rubbing his eyes as he looked at his phone notifications. The one thing that made him become fully awake was the headline of a new's article.
Is Kurt Anderson pregnant? See photos of him emerging from a 24 hour open clinic carrying was appears to be a pregnancy test? Is Blaine the father, or is it somebody else?

Blaine frowned, sitting up in bed. He looked at his text messages, noticing a missed call from Kurt. Pressing the button and turning his volume up and listened to it.

"Hey Blaine, it's Kurt.. I think we need to talk right now, Can you please open  the door.. It's really fucking hot out here." Kurt complained. "Please open the door, Love."

Blaine got up quickly walking towards the door, he flung it open and Kurt came flying into his husband arms. "I love you so much." Kurt says into his neck, breathing deeply, Blaine smiled softly hugging him tightly. "I'm sorry Kurt... I didn't even realize I was flirting.." Blaine said brokenly. "Do you forgive me?"

"Not yet." Kurt said, making Blaine's face turn pained and broken hearted. "But I will soon, hopefully." Blaine nodded accepting the response. "Kurt, Can we start over?" Blaine asked.

"No, but we can learn from our mistakes and become better people." Kurt smiled kissing his lips softly, wrapping his arms around his shoulders. "Did you really buy a pregnancy stick?" Blaine questioned tilting his head.

Kurt nodded. "Yes, I really did.. But I haven't peed on it yet I came straight here from the clinic after I got rid of paperazzi.." Kurt replied grabbing his hand and tugging him towards the bathroom. "How did you get that bruise?"

"Well, I was playing outside with the kids, wasn't paying attention and got hit with the swing." Blaine sighed shrugging, He and Kurt walked into the bathroom. Kurt peed on the stick before setting a timer for 2 minutes.

It was the longest 2 minutes Blaine and Kurt had ever encountered, when the timer went off Kurt went to look at it. "I'm not pregnant."

Blaine looked at him, pulling him into a tight hug holding him close. "I love you so much Kurt Anderson." Blaine grinned. "Let's go to bed."



two more chapters of this story, then the end. What did you guys think of this chapter?

- Alysha

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