Chapter Fourteen

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A week later....

"Let's welcome Blaine Anderson." Ellen DeGeneres cheered. The crowd screaming and cheering out while they clapped. Blaine walked out onto the stage waving at everybody as he danced his way over to Ellen. They both hugged before sitting down. "Blaine Anderson. So good to meet and see you." Ellen smiled leaning back into her chair.

Blaine grined at Ellen. "Thank you for having me here. I can't believe i'm on Ellen. It's all so surreal." Blaine replied a few of the girls cheering and whistling for him. "So Blaine, Are you married?" Ellen asked straight forward. Blaine nodded grinning. "Yes, I'm married to Kurt Hummel... Who will be coming out with his own clothing line." Blaine responded excitedly.

Ellen smiled. "So you confirm that your gay?" Ellen asked glancing down at her notecards in her hands before back up to Blaine. "Yes sorry ladies..  but i like guys and i'm married.." Blaine chuckled to himself glancing at her then towards the crowd. "Can you tell us a little bit about what the your songs are about?" Ellen asked, Blaine nodded continuing.

"Yes I certainly can. It's only mostly about love, trust, and innocent romance." Blaine replied. "It's about being true to yourself and trusting your family. It's the love that I feel towards my family and my husband." Blaine smiled connecting his eyes with Kurt's for a brief moment before looking away.  "So you will be singing for us today right?" Ellen confirmed.

Blaine nodded. "Yes, I'll be going over towards the piano." Blaine answered to Ellen getting up and heading over to the piano. He sat down his fingers dancing across the piano playing the open notes of his single song.

Baby, I don’t care-
'Bout "what, when, how, or where.”
Folks are laughing, try'n to make a fuss
They’ll try to make things out for us
But baby I don’t care

Darling, I don’t mind
What they think they’ll find
Of all the secrets they have told
At least I’ve still got you to hold
So darling
I don’t mind

Blaine finished the song pulling his hands away from the keyboard, as stood up. Ellen smiled. "You can now buy Blaine Anderson's cd from amazon, target and walmart." Ellen shouted out. "And you had one more announcement right?" Blaine nodded smiling. "I'll be going on tour this summer for two months." Blaine called out before walking off the stage into the back waving.

Blaine smiled hugging Kurt tightly leaning down and kissing his husbands lips. Kurt giggled kissing him back softly his hands cupping blaine's cheeks. An audience member clicked a photo of them kissing making Blaine smirk and Kurt blush deeply. The audience laughed.

Later that night Kurt and Blaine walked the fashion red carpet on the instyle fashion show. Kurt smiled staying close to Blaine who's arm was around his waist. The etalk interviewer smiled as the couple approached. "Why hello Kurt and Blaine Anderson up and coming famous new couple." The interviewer grinned.

Kurt smiled. "Hello.. god it's kinda overwhelming in here." Kurt said laughing, "there's like famous artists and models here and it's scarying me." Blaine nodded agreeing with his husband. "So Blaine, your going on tour in 6 months, and your album just came out how do you feel about that?" The interviewer smiled at him.

Blaine smiled. "You know, i'm excited and thrilled for this new journey and I can't wait for this new beginning." Blaine responded. "But right now it's Kurt, my husband's time right now." The interviewer smiled letting the couple go by before the next famous people came, Kurt was excited sitting down at the correct table. He looked around smiling happily at the runway.

He couldn't believe that this was gonna be his life, that his clothing line and bowites will be on this runway for everybody to see. He excitedly looked at his husband and kissing his lips. Blaine smiled kissing him back. "You are irrisistiable baby." Blaine whispered into Kurt's ear his free hand landing onto his thigh.

Kurt glared at him playfully looking down towards his hands. Blaine rolled his eyes running his hands up and down his thigh sliding it into the inner thigh. Blaine smirked at the scowl on Kurt's lips. Kurt took a sip of his wine giggling as he slapped Blaine's hands away from his thighs. The ceremony started an hour later after they had all ate their meal which consisted of carrots, breaded chicken, roast beef, potatos and homemade buns.

Kurt watched excitedly as they announced winners for certain categorys. Kurt clapped for everybody smiling and shouting for them. "Kurt Anderson.. wins for the 'new rising and upcoming fashion designer'. He designs mens and childrens fashion lines with an extended bowtie collection in honor of his husband.

Kurt gasped standing up, Blaine grinned at him hugging him tightly as he kissed his lips. Kurt kissed him back before he walked quickly up the stairs to collect his award. Taking ahold of the microphone Kurt leaned into it. "Oh my god, Wow." Kurt breathed out. "I just want to thank my husband, Blaine Anderson.. and my two kids at home.. Hope and Mason."

"Thank you for supporting me, and loving me for who I am. I would be knowhere without them. You guys are my heros and saviors and so thank you for believing in me. Love you all, and good night." Kurt smiled walking backstage. He got interviewed by etalk and a few other people, before he posed on the red carpet by himself.

He couldn't believe he won an award. He had just started out only two months ago. He sighed happily as he ate a few baby cakes. Life was starting to look up for him and Blaine, from all the shit that the world gave them and each of them individually he couldn't believe that the world was finally on their side. Finally wanted them to be happy.

Kurt walked back down to his spot smiling and hugging Blaine. And then they kissed softly, Kurt whispering against Blaine's lips. "Make love to me tonight."



hello. How was this chapter? I think it went pretty great, i can tell you that much that i didn't plan to have kurt win an award or anything but here it is. :)) hope you liked it.

Review please!! Read, Vote, Comment and Share?

- Alysha

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