Chapter 1:The Beginning:A random chapter

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(This will be written using a script)

OTI:Hi Ham



Ham:What!You called me first


Ham:What da*

OTI:I told you not to swear for 1 month,or I won't give you a present next month

Ham:(face/palms)Great.You even forgot my birthday present.What present are you gonna give me,Christmas Present,(shrieking)

(Raichu comes in )

OTI:Who added Raichu!It is intrusion of privacy by joining our group chat!



Ham:Yeah sorry Raichu OTI was getting hysterical 

OTI:What!Hysterical!Im not!You are!!

( Eviee comes in)

Eviee:Hi DolDol(smirk)

OTI:(anger doubles)hyaaaargghhhhh!


Ham:Shut up!Can we get to the point?

OTI:What point?(pretends to be innocent)

Eviee:You are so bad at pretending to be...Emm...

Raichu:The word's gullible,Eviee 

Eviee:Kinda oh whatever.Can we get to the main point now,please?


Ham:Great!So according to notice outside my home,there is a Brave Competition to see who can go to the most Dangerous place in the whole world and get something valuable back...

Eviee:Know-it-all...(shakes head and sighs)

Ham:Am not

Eviee:U r.And what's the prize for winning?

Raichu:Emm...40 million dollars and a scientific new invention?

Ham:You joking?Thats impossible!

OTI:You joking!I want that invention!Lets join!

Eviee:(whispers to Raichu)I think she just wants that money...

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