2|Let Me In

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The stinging water hit her skin, instantly relaxing her stiff muscles. Arriving home only minutes ago, all she wanted was a hot shower to forget about what happened tonight.

More than anything she felt embarrassment.

In a way, she knew she shouldn't have gone in there thinking everything was going to turn out how she imagined. It was foolish. She wouldn't even be surprised if Yongguk sicked his goons on the man who made her feel temporary relief. And she had no one else to blame but herself.

Regardless, she still felt that pain in her chest that it was Zelo that came and pulled her away and not Yongguk, but was she really surprised? Hell no.

She started to wonder why she even tried to begin with. Clearly, he didn't care about her like he once claimed. How does one say they love you and only want you then go about loving up on another woman? It was complete and utter bullshit.

Yet stupidly enough, she still wanted him and she hated herself for that.

She could hear her friends now, "We warned you but you didn't listen, now look at you. He has you out here looking stupid." And sadly enough it was true. She trusted him. Gave him things that she has never given any other man before. Loved him in a way she knew no other woman would be able to. He had her heart and promised to protect it.

Clearly, that was a lie.

At this point, her mind was already made up to make plans to get out of the city and go back home to the states but she knew that would be a challenge. Yongguk had eyes everywhere. There wasn't one move she made that he didn't know about. She would have to go against his words and connect with people he didn't approve of.

At the end of the day, it was her life and no one was in control of it except for her. It was something that she would have to remind herself of constantly.

Stepping out of the shower she quickly dried off and got dressed in a red lace trimmed slip just as the rain began to pour down outside. Her small but modernized apartment was just enough considering it was only her. The only friends she had over was Francesca and Natalie, the few people she actually trusted and tried to talk some sense into her.

In no time the smoke from the strawberry flavored hookah pen blew from her mouth, filling the air with a sweet scent as she tried to relax enough to fall asleep.

Soft music played in the background of her bedroom while she lazily laid across her comfortable bed. The only source of light coming from a single candle and the occasional flash of lightning as the rain pattered against her windows harshly.

Her phone had been ringing nonstop since she left the club, all calls and text messages from him or his friends. She ignored every single one of them, turning off her phone completely after being annoyed by the constant ringing tone and vibrating sounds.

So naturally, she wasn't surprised that for the last few minutes he had shown up and began banging on her apartment door. She could hear him yelling for her to open up since she changed the code and he could no longer get in. All she wanted was time to herself but he just wouldn't allow it. Groaning in frustration, she kicked the covers off her body and walked slowly towards the door.

"What do you want Yongguk?" She softly asked, hand on the doorknob, debating if she should just open it or not.

"Let me in." His voice wasn't demanding but yet she knew he wasn't asking her either. "We need to talk."

She knew better. If she opened this door, there would be no talking. He knew he was her weakness and how to get to her. All it would take is one touch and she would be putty in his hands. "No. We have nothing to talk about. It's over, just leave me a-alone." Her voice cracked, realizing she was crying without even noticing it.

"I'm sorry jagiya but you know I can't do that. Please open up." Placing her head against the door, she gripped the handle tighter. "Let me hold you."

"You don't deserve to touch me anymore." She retorted back almost immediately. He honestly didn't and he knew that but he needed her.

As soon as Zelo had come back, he ordered everyone in their section to disperse, only leaving them and the others that knew to stay. Yongguk didn't bother to protest because sooner or later, the discussion was going to happen. He saw the way his boys looked at him. They were not feeling the way he treated Samora at all.

Even they knew how much of a rider she was, especially after what she did to Vega. They were already loyal to her when Yongguk made it known she was his, and that loyalty only grew after she took down one of their most powerful enemies.

"What's going with you hyung? This isn't like you." Zelo stated once he took a seat in front of the man he considered a brother. Yongguk was far from an angel but from the moment he laid eyes on Samora everyone around them saw something change in him. That woman was his life, yet here he was acting as though she meant nothing to him once more.

Yongguk merely grunted in response, he felt as though this wasn't the time or place for this. "Do you not love her anymore?" Zelo continued to ask the one question everyone around them wanted to know the answer to. If he didn't, then Zelo felt as though he should've let her go and not cheat on her with the one person he knew was no good for him.

Zhara was toxic but the sad thing was, Samora had no clue who the woman was to him. She's only seen them together.

Yongguk stood up in a defensive manner, angry that Zelo or anyone would accuse him of not loving the one woman that meant the world to him. "You know how much I love her and so does everybody else!" He snapped as his jaw clenched, trying his best not to do something he'll regret.

"Is that right? So why are you treating her like she does not matter anymore? You see that she's hurting." Jongup spoke up next, coming to stand next to Zelo. "You should've been the one to go after her, not Zelo." He, along with everyone else would kill to have someone like Samora by their side. True love like that was rare to find and here Yongguk was wasting it.

"You should've killed Zhara when you had the chance," Zelo mumbled, hating the fact that vile woman showed up once again. "Whatever voodoo spell she has on you, you need to break it."

Shaking his head, Yongguk picked up a shot glass and quickly drunk the dark liquid that was inside of it. "We didn't sleep together." He finally revealed, although he knew putting his mouth on someone other than Samora was still wrong.

"We know. You're stupid but not stupid, stupid." Jongup said seriously. "Regardless, you need to go and apologize, no matter if she doesn't want to hear it."

"Exactly. Go and get your girl back."

Now here he was hoping she would forgive him somehow. "Please, let me make it up to you."

And just like that, she unlocked the door, knowing he probably found out her new code to get in the first place. Opening the door, she stepped aside and finally let him in. Her eyes stayed glued to the floor, afraid to actually look at him in the face.

"Look at me, Samora." His deep voice sent chills down her spine. She could already feel a slight wetness between her thick thighs, hating the way he had such control over her body.

Ignoring his request, she turned to walk back towards her bedroom only to have him grab her wrist to stop her from moving.

"You can't just come here and expect me to forgive you, I refuse to do it."

He sighed loudly, pulling her back to face him. "I don't expect you to." She finally looked at him to see a sad look on his handsome face. His dark eyes gazed into her own, leaning in slowly until she felt his breath hit her heated skin. He always loved seeing her wear these silk slips that showed just enough without giving anything away.

She felt as though her eyes betrayed her and glanced at his lips, lips that she hasn't kissed in weeks. Deep down she knew she should just turn away and act like he wasn't here. But here she was going against her own words and falling for him again like always. But she couldn't help how she felt.

He hurt you, her mind screamed at her but she already had her mind up as he crashed his lips onto hers.

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