5|Special Day

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August 18th, 2016.

Her eyes stared at the clock as it turned 9:30 P.M.

She had gotten all dressed up for nothing.

Anger coursed through her veins as she sat at the table that he specially had reserved for them. He had promised they'd spend some quality time together since he's been busy lately and Samora was stupidly looking forward to it.

She was already receiving looks the moment she stepped foot inside of the very exclusive restaurant and she could hear the whispers as time went by and she still was seated at the table alone. Her hands tapped hastily at her phone as she dialed his number for what seemed like the hundredth time and still he didn't answer.

A slew of curse words flew from her mouth lowly, trying her best to remain calm.

He had stood her up.

Waving her hand in the air, the waiter came over handing her the check quickly. Placing an unnecessary amount of money in his hand, she got up and power walked out of the restaurant, her Jimmy Choo heels clicking with each step she took. All those hours she spent doing her hair and makeup and picking out this dress in particular, all for it to go to waste.

She couldn't stand his "Barry White" deep voiced ass right now.

Her eyes connected with her personal "bodyguard" Lee, who only gave her a sad smile in return before looking away from her intense stare. "Where is he?" She asked lowly, feeling her irritation rise as each second passed by.

"I do-"

"Whatever lies you're about to pull, don't try it because I'm not in the mood. Tell me the truth!" Lee scratched the back of his head and debated his choices thoroughly. On one hand, he could tell her the truth and hoped that's all she wanted to know but on the other hand he could also tell her and get on Yongguk's bad side; however, she'll more than likely demand him to bring her to where he currently was.

And that was a situation he most definitely didn't want to witness.

Samora took a few steps forward until she was standing directly in front of him. "Choose your words carefully Lee."

Lee tried his best to look anywhere else but at the short woman in front of him...but Samora was hard to miss. He could feel her staring a hole into the side of his face until the point he began to squirm a little.


He groaned out in frustration. "You know exactly where he is Mora." He answered with defeat. "Bu-"

She waved him off, not wanting to hear anything he had to say. "Just take me to Nekkid Wings so I can get something to eat. I didn't want any of this places high priced shit anyway." She told him walking towards their SUV and sliding into the backseat, slamming the door shut.

As pissed as she was, she wasn't in the mood to confront Yongguk tonight. All she wanted was food in her stomach at the current moment. She didn't even know if she wanted to see him at all because she knew he was going to come at her with the lame excuses as always. And she knew that would not only lead to her forgiving him but also with her in his bed allowing him to "make it up to her".

"Take me to the spot." She told him once she got her food. The last place she wanted to be was at home right now, plus it was so pretty out tonight with a sky full of stars and half crescent moon. Lee simply nodded his head, already knowing what she meant and made the short ride to her favorite private area that not even Yongguk knew about.

This had been a routine of theirs ever since Yongguk hired Lee as Samora's private driver and bodyguard. Every time the two would get into it or if she just needed to get away, she'd always chose this place to go to and just vent. She would either just seat in the back and play the music of her choice as they sat in silence or sit outside on the hood of the SUV with the help of Lee.

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