13|Make Me Forget

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January 12th, 2017.

It was late when Samora made it home from work.

Today had not gone the way she had wanted but she needed to get out and see the real world after shutting herself away for so long. She assumed that being around people would somewhat lift her spirits, take her mind off the events that have been replaying constantly in her mind but it did the exact opposite.

All day she felt uneasy and anxious, jumping at any little noise she heard, letting her paranoia get the best of her.

She hated it.

Though her body was held, mentally, she was still shattered and torn.

This wasn't like her. She was used to walking around with a smile on her face, feeling happy, being her usual sweet self but now, all that seemed to fade. Now she was broken, depressed, and closed off towards everyone, even towards those who only wished to help.

Samora wanted to return back to her old, true self because this...this wasn't it.

Slipping her heels from her feet, she made her way towards her bedroom and grabbed a fresh matching bra and pantie set, and went straight for her bathroom. Eyeing her appearance in the mirror, she looked presentable as always but anyone could tell that something was wrong by simply looking into her eyes. They were dull and sad, making her pain evident.

Shaking her head, she pulled her hair into a bun and stripped out of her clothes. Quickly turning on the shower, she adjusted the temperature as hot as she could get it, needing the stinging water to help ease her tense muscles.

As soon as she closed the glassed door behind her, Yongguk had arrived at her apartment, letting himself in, knowing that she was inside. Glancing at her heels on the floor near the entrance, and her purse and phone on the table, indicating that she probably didn't even know that he called before showing up. This had been his routine, stopping by when he could just to make sure she was good, hoping that she wouldn't send him on his way by saying she wished to be alone.

Weeks have gone by and she has barely acknowledged his existence since the incident.

He wished she would hear him out, let him explain that he didn't mean for any of it to happen, and lord knows he tried so hard to prevent it.

And though he knew she needed time, he was impatient.

He missed the feeling of her in his arms, his lips kissing her skin, the way her eyes would light up when she saw him, and more importantly the I love you's that always made him better.

It was him that she was supposed to be holding onto during the nights he heard her crying, not her pillows. He was supposed to be the one to kiss away her bruises, telling her that he would never, ever allow what happened to occur again. To ease her pain and let her know that she will always be safe with him.

Just the thought of knowing that he had almost lost her shook him to his core. Fear wasn't an emotion that Yongguk felt often if any at all, but the moment Youngjae informed that Vega got ahold of Samora, he felt it instantly.

For two weeks she was gone, seeming to had disappeared off the face of the planet. His nights were sleepless, and his search for her was endless. Since he was aware of what someone as dark, and evil as Vega was capable of, he couldn't shake the images of what he was doing to her. Then the pictures came...and he lost it.

He touched and violated her, making Yongguk see crimson.

"Baby..." Samora's soft voice peeked his ears as he sat on her bed in deep thought. Turning his head to look at her, his eyes looked her over, admiring the way her skin tone look against the red lingerie set she wore. She stood near the bathroom entrance with a small smile on her beautiful face, something he hadn't seen from her in weeks.

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