Shattered Hearts Pt. 1

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December 3rd, 2016.

"You know he's been having people follow her don't you?" Yongnam suddenly speaks up, eyeing his brother from where he sat inside of his living room.

"I'm aware," Youngguk replies with his gaze looking over the view of the backyard. "But I have a feeling he already knows that I know and that's a problem,"

"You still haven't explained his obsession with her yet..." Yongnam mentions, purposely bringing up the one topic that he knew his brother hated talking about.

Running a hand through his hair, Yongguk leaned against the glass door as he tried his best to push back this gut feeling that something was wrong. "It started after the first date...the pictures. They would always be of her out and about, alone or with her friends but they would always be taken from a distance. Then as our relationship started to progress, so did the number of pictures I'd receive, except the images were closer and being taken in places like her job...even outside of her apartment," He explains, shaking his head at the memories.

"So what is this...jealousy?" Yongnam guessed, in an attempt to understand the situation.

Pushing away from the door, Yongguk faced his brother with an unreadable expression on his face. "Before I met Samora, she had been here in South Korea for three months and I guess Vega had his eyes on her from the beginning,"

A low chuckle released from Yongnam's mouth as Yongguk revealed the truth. "So you managed to take yet another thing from our most deranged enemy once more huh?"

"Shut up, it wasn't intentional," Yongguk groans, rolling his eyes. "But none of that matters anyway. Samora is my life now, and she's a top priority. He can watch all he wants but you know just as I do, he's plotting something,"

"Clearly, which is why you need to ask Samora to finally move in with you, it's better that way. Vega is a very persistent man and it's obvious who he wants,"

Crossing his arms, Yongguk's gaze settled on the portrait of Samora hanging above his fireplace in deep thought. "She won't accept it, not yet. All I can do is what I've been doing since all this started, keep eyes on her at all times know she isn't speaking to me right now,"

"And who fuckin fault is that? How many times do we have to tell you, stay away from that bitch. She isn't to be trusted," Yongnam chides as he leans forward with a clear look of annoyance written across his face. "For all we know Zhara could be working with the enemy. She's sneaky enough to do it,"

"I'm not with this chastising shit, especially from you,"

"Why not? We are one and the same, are we not?" Yongnam says in a knowing tone causing Yongguk to shoot him a look.

"And no one needs to know, so keep it that way. She isn't ready to know the truth about that...not yet,"

"I always keep my word but eventually you need to tell her,"

Yongguk waved his hand dismissively, "That's another conversation for another time. Stop fuckin with my head,"

"That's funny. Those are the exact same words that you need to tell Zhara, not me," Yongnam quickly retorts, leaning his head onto his closed fist. "She's one thing I'm glad we never shared otherwise I'd probably be as messed up as you,"

Letting out a frustrated sigh, Yongguk laid his back against the couch, knowing exactly what game his brother was playing. "Once I get what I need, I will. Until then, she stays," Even though he spoke those words, Yongguk wasn't even truly convinced himself that they were true. Zhara was like a drug he knew he didn't need but always found himself coming back to consume it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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