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"Can you please stop looking at me like that? Damn."

Ever since Natalie decided to come to visit Samora a few days after she came back from Indonesia, her eyes have been flickering between her face and her stomach.

Samora was regretting even telling her, especially considering Natalie still couldn't stand Yongguk. She was positive that her friend was praying for the day she'd leave him altogether.

"I can't believe that you let him do this to you," Natalie bit out, shaking her head in disapproval. "Now you're stuck with him forever."

Samora rolled her eyes, already not liking where this conversation was going. "Look, I didn't let you come over to hear a never-ending discussion of your hatred for Yongguk. So if that's what you're trying to do, then you can leave."

Every time Natalie came around she had to hear her talk down on Yongguk and she was about sick of it. Yes he wasn't the best man, and yes he has done her wrong, doing the exact things that Natalie told he would but damn, it was her life at the end of the day and her man.

"I only do it because I know what type of man that he is Mora. You deserve so much better and you know it." If Natalie didn't care about Samora the way that she did, then she wouldn't have constantly warned her about who Yongguk was and what he was capable of.

Natalie could admit that at the beginning of their relationship, she gave Yongguk the benefit of the doubt based on the way he treated Samora. He treated her much more different than any woman she has seen him with, even his current wife, Zhara. But as she expected, he messed up, not once or twice, but multiple times.

Even to the point where she was almost killed.

Natalie couldn't understand how someone so intelligent and beautiful could stick around beside someone who she believed didn't truly love her as she deserved.

And now seeing that she has been knocked up by his ass, infuriated her beyond words.

Closing her eyes for a few seconds, Samora took a deep breath to calm herself down a bit. "I know what type of man he is too Nat, and I've already made my decision. I'm not leaving him." After sitting down and really having a discussion with Yongguk, she had somewhat chosen to forgive him but not for everything. He owes her so much for the things he has put her through and she was going to receive everything she deserved.

"Why not? You carrying his children does not equal to you having to stay with him. Single parents are a thing." Natalie quickly argued back. "You know that I can help you escape from him."

"You talking like I'm being held prisoner or some shit." Samora snorted.

"Might as well be,"

Samora waved her off before crossing her arms. "Even if I wanted to leave and start a new life, he would only find me again, and kill whoever I end up moving on with, you know this already."

"No, he wouldn't. I can get you out of here if you let me." Natalie insisted, wishing Samora would believe in her words. She had the connects of people who could change her identity, people that Yongguk didn't know about. Samora could go off and have a none drama filled life if she wanted.

"I'm fine where I'm at. And if he does mess up again, I-"

"What? Leave? You're always saying that but you won't ever do it." Natalie retorted, swiftly cutting off an excuse that she has used countless times before. "You said so yourself, you're so weak when it comes to him, Mora. He's brainwashed you."

"Really Nat? You're really sitting there making me seem pathetic as hell like I can't think for myself, much less have control over my own life."

"Because you don't!" Natalie shouted back, getting frustrated at how naive Samora was being. "He owns you like you're a piece of fuckin property. Do you really think for a second that he will ever let you go, especially now that you're carrying his children, willingly? Stop being foolish."

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