3|The Meeting

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May 23, 2015.

"Whatever you're thinking Mora, stop it," Natalie warned lowly, taking a sip of her wine. The raven-haired beauty sat quietly for 5 minutes observing her foreign friend sneak glances at the last person she should want any association with.

Samora focused her gaze on Natalie. "What are you talking about?" She questioned, her pretty face scrunching up in confusion.

"Your attention has been on that man ever since he first walked in and I'm telling you now to stay away from him." Natalie left no room for debate because she knew that he was bad news.

"Relax, I was only looking," She defended but Nat wasn't easily fooled.

She knew that look Samora was giving him. It was a look that so many girls before her had given him once before, even herself at one point in time. Since Mora was new to South Korea her knowledge of local gangs and violence was limited, so she knew little to nothing about what really goes on, especially here in Seoul. In a way, Natalie was hoping to never bring up the topic at all, considering it was once apart of a world that she was involved in a few years back.

"Right. Even if you were, just leave it at that ok?" The last thing she wanted was for someone as sweet as her to get entangled with a criminal like him. They always loved her type anyway. Easier to corrupt and manipulate.

Samora was a bit surprised by the tone of Natalie's voice. She wasn't kidding when she said that she was simply looking. She found the man to be ridiculously attractive to her, so in a way, she couldn't help but stare at him as he sat at a table not too far away from theirs with a group of men.

Her eyes seemed to follow his every movement, slowly becoming intrigued by him. "Who is he then?" She could tell that he had some type of wealth from the way he and the others around him dressed. Their all black suits were an interesting pick, she thought to herself. Even their faces were perfect, not one flaw in sight or at least from where she sat she couldn't see anyone.

Sighing loudly, Natalie quickly downed the rest of her wine as Samora watched her amusingly. "His name is Bang Yongguk. He's the leader of a gang known as the Twin Dragons. They operate heavily here in Seoul and other local areas and cities." She explained, glancing at the group as they talked quietly amongst themselves, ignoring all of the lingering looks everyone was giving them.

They were used to them by now.

Samora nodded, taking notice of the soft look that crossed Nat's face. "You two had a thing huh?"

"With him, no, but I did with his twin brother." She revealed, giving her a small smile. "It's the reason why I hate seeing him around. It reminds me of a past I try so hard to forget even existed." She hated that they were identical, yet they had certain features that told them apart at times. Her heartstrings tugged every time he came to mind.

Bang Yongnam, it would be a name that she would sadly never be able to erase from her memories.

"I lost myself when I got involved with them. Did things I knew better of, all for the sake of love." She chuckled bitterly, wishing she had more wine to help her ease her sudden anger. "That's why I'm warning you now Samora, look but please don't touch. Yongguk is just like his brother, they take whatever they want with no regards of that person's feelings. Do your best to stay away from him and his goons."

Although hearing Natalie's words, Samora doubted that he would even give her the time of day, to begin with. Besides, she felt as though her friend should've known her better considering she knew where she was from and how she grew up. She was around men similar to Yongguk growing up, so she knew exactly how bad things could turn out from seeing it play it out with her own two eyes.

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