7|First Date

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June 11th, 2015.

"I'm so disappointed in you Mora." Chide Natalie as she helped Samora zip up her dress. "I told you that he was no good for you, and you still went and talked to him."

Samora sighed in frustration, tired of Nat's constant compliments. "It's just a date, Nat. You act like I'm marrying him or some shit. Relax." She began to wonder if Natalie forgot that she was a grown ass woman who was capable of making her own decisions.

"But you don't know him like I do Samora. He's dangerous." Natalie pressed on, following Samora into her bathroom. "And he's not to be trusted."

"I hear you, Nat, I really do but I can handle myself. I'm sure after this date, we probably won't be having another one." Samora reassured her as she sprayed on her favorite perfume to complete her look.

Her fingers smoothed down the simple but cute white bodycon dress she chose to wear for tonight. The soft material hugged her perfectly, making her curvaceous frame more evident. With her hair done in a sleek part ponytail and light makeup with a nude lip, she decided to keep her look casual. Plus she had no clue where Yongguk was taking her. All he let her know was to dress nicely.

And she was hoping that her appearance was good enough.

"Please. Yongguk almost never ask women out on dates, and when he does it's because he's actually interested. Which isn't a good thing Mora." Natalie knew first hand how Yongguk worked. He didn't necessarily treat women badly but he didn't treat them like Queens either. Every woman that's he's been with knew their roles and played them well, just like he wanted.

Natalie knew that the only woman that has ever been able to tie him down was Zhara, and she was no better than he was. A perfect match made in hell quite frankly.

Samora could feel her patience wearing thin the longer she listened to Natalie's rant. "Then let me be the judge of him." Being the type of person that Samora was, she hated judging people based off of what he said, she said. If Yongguk was the monster that Natalie's painted him to be, then she wanted to witness it for herself first hand.

"For what? I already know everything about him! He's a thug, Samora. A leader of a whole damn gang and a powerful one at that. He puts fear in the hearts of everyone he comes across. And most of all, he's a fuckin murderer."

Samora could practically see the steam being released from Natalie's ear's as she stared at her through the mirror. "And so are you but am I judging you for it? No. I know Yongguk's type Nat, I grew up around most of them all my life. One date, and that's it, I promise."

"You promised me that you wouldn't mess with him, to begin with, Samora. Just cancel and say that something came up." Natalie begged, lightly grabbing ahold of Samora's forearm to prevent her from walking away. "Please."

Samora looked at Natalie, seeing the desperation and seriousness on written all over her face. She had never seen her friend this worried before, and that alone made her second guess if she should go or not.

But just as she went to respond there was knock on her door causing Natalie to freeze in place. Slowly moving away from her, Samora made her towards her front door, only to have Natalie rush past her to open it first.

Their eyes locked on Yongguk standing there in his signature all-black attire, looking sinfully handsome. A lazy smirk formed on his face as he looked at them both, not surprised at all by Natalie being here. He was sure that she tried to convince Samora to cut all ties with him. Sometimes he wondered if her hatred towards him was because of what happened between her and Yongnam.

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