Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Madeira was and is a beautiful island, every where you go you see the beautiful ocean and plus the people here are quite friendly... well are

After 2 hours of flying in the damn airplane and about another hour at the airport we finely made it to my grandma's house.

My grandma's house was small but cute, it looked old on the out side but in the inside it was really homey.

After greeting my grandparents and all my aunts and uncles that showed up to see my parents and make my life hard by bossing me around. I swear their lucky that I can control my temper or I would multi lingual on them.

"Hey little cousin, how you doing?" Marco, one of my cousins, said walking into the room I would be sharing with my siblings. (By now we were talking Portuguese)

Marco is one of my annoying cousins, his just one year older, then me, his tall with a little muscle, dark brown eyes, and light brown hair and to add to the package his an asshole with a ego as big as the universe.

"You know you, its good manners to knock." I said sarcastically, while sitting on my bed trying to read House of night (a vampire book). I herd him chuckle.

"Get out now, Marco." I said giving him one of my death glares. He just smirked at me walking up to my bed and sat down next to me.

"Oh come on, don't be like that." he said with one of his hands sliding down my hip, I slapped his hand off my leg.

"Marco just leave please I'm not in the mood." I said really frustrated, pleading with him.

He just sighed, "Fine, only if you kiss Me." he said leaning a little to close to me. I scowled at him and pushed him away. I got off the bed and went to put on my flat pumps and made my way to the kitchen where everyone was.

"hey mom I'm going for a walk!." I yelled to my mom, from the door way, she looked at my direction.

"Be back before dark!" she yelled back and with that I went out the house and decide to go explore the fields that where fields that surrounded the neighborhood.

I was deep into the fields humming a lullaby that my little sister loved. I got to a place far off on the western side of the fields which almost looked like a forest, because there was a lot of tress surrounding that area but luckily no forest animals lived here like wolves, well I hop not.

I was walking by this huge oak tree when suddenly I herd someone yell. I stopped on my tracks. I looked around me, I stood there frozen for a whole minute and nothing happened.... Okay weird...

I kept moving deeper and deeper walking past tress, they were huge. I decide to sit down and rest a while. I sat on one of the roots of a tree that was sticking out. I was totally loving the peacefulness till I started hearing some strange noises that came from behind the tree. I got up and started walking forward, the more I walked the louder the noise sounded.

I walked to what looked like a huge bush and slowly peeked from the side of the bush and what I saw shocked me for life....

hey everyone :) the second chapter!! hope you like it:)

i know the ending was kind of lame but oh well sorry... promise that i'll try to make it more exciting :)



Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now