Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Katie' POV:

(Wake me up)

Wake me up inside

(I can't wake up)

Wake me up inside

(Save me)

call my name and save me from the dark

(Wake me up)

I woke up to the tune of Evanescence bring me back to life. I couldn't help but groan and check who in hell would be stupid enough to be calling me while I was asleep.

There was no caller idea but there was a number I've never seen before.

"Hello." I said in my husky voice, which I get after I wake up.


"Katie? You okay? Where are you!" the voice on the other end literally yelled, it sounded like Marco.

"Marco?" I asked stupidly.

"No hey it's Santa bunny!" he said sarcastically.

"Ugh! What do you want?"

"Where are you?" he asked.

"How am I suppose to know! And why in hell you phoning?" I yelled into the phone.

"Geeze, girl I can hear just fine. Well it's like 5 pm and your not home yet... I was getting worried..." he said the last part softly.

I sighed, "Marco I'm fine, don't worry I'll be home soon... WOW WAIT! What time is it?" I said jumping up from the bed.

"Umm... 5 pm." he said confused.

"Okay, look Marco we'll talk later, okay? Bye!" I hung up before he could respond... WAIT!!! What was my phone doing here? I slightly eyed my phone as if it was growing to grow legs and run away, but it just lay there motionless in the palm of my hand.

I slowly looked around and saw that the top of the made bed was messy, from me sleeping on top of it. I couldn't help but yawn.

I stretched a little hoping that it would wake me up, I clicked my neck and my knuckles, and I sighed in relief.

I walked towards the door and opened it.

I walked down the hallways, and went the same rote that Sonia and Luke used to get to my room.

After a few twists and turns, I got to the staircase, which I skipped down, I looked to my right and then to my left, I felt my stomach grumble, wanting food.

I was debating on either going left or right. I closed my eyes and went eany meanie miny moe. And the right side won.

I walked down the hallway that was on my right and I heard singing. I followed the voice. I ended up in front of a wooden door, I slowly opened it and pooped my head inside, standing there mopping the floor was Sonia and she was singing a song in a weird language ... Well it sounded Hebrew... yea I've heard people speak Hebrew...

"Sonia?" I said, she immediately stopped singing and looked up, when she saw it was me she gave me a warm smile.

"Oh, Katie. I'm glad you up!" she said putting the mop by the sink.

The kitchen was beautiful just like the house, or what ever this is. It had a counter in the middle where people could sit and eat; on the far left was a huge white looking refrigerator, the wall behind the counter was full of cabinets and in the middle, there was a gape where I'm guessing the stove was. On my right was a kitchen table with six chairs. Everything white and silver

"Come in, the kitchen wont swallow you!" she said giggling, I couldn't help but smile.

"I know." I said walking in, and walking towards the counter. Sonia went straight to work, getting a few things from the refrigerator, and walking towards the counter on the opposite side of me. I saw that she brought ham and cheese; she was making me a sandwich.

"So why didn't you wake me up?" I asked while watching her, she just shrugged.

"You looked so peaceful sleeping."

I couldn't help but laugh. After a few minutes, she gave me a pate with two sandwiches and I dug in.

After a few minutes of me chewing down my sandwiches in silence, Sonia started putting eggs, baking flower, and a few other things. I arched an eyebrow at her; since my mouth was full, I couldn't really speak.

She just smiled, "I'm going to make a chocolate cake," she explained I nodded.

"Want to help me?" she asked, I gave her a smile and swallowed the last bit of my sandwich.

"Okay what can I do?" I asked, rubbing my hands together. With that she started telling me to mix this and that, and that I should do it this way and not that.

I learnt a few things today and one of them was how to make a chocolate cake. After an hour of laughing and mixing, she finally said the cake was ready to do to the oven.

We stood in front of the oven watching the cake. I slowly got up and looked at the counter. I saw the bag of backing flour, an evil smile spread across my face.

I tip toed to the counter and for the bag of flour, I slowly walked behind Sonia.

"Hey Sonia!" I said from behind her.

"Yes?" She said turning around in that second I had a hand full of flour and threw it to her face.

Her mouth was open in shock when the flour landed on her face. I was laughing so hard that I had to hold my tummy.

In that instant I felt something cold and slimy on my hair, my hands immediately went to my hair, I looked at my hands and saw yellow!

I looked at Sonia, she had a broken egg shell in her hands with an evil smirk.

"Oh your so paying for that!" I said playfully.

We started throwing flour, eggs, backing soda, and anything we could lay our hands on. It was literally a food fight between us. With in minutes we ran out of food, we just looked at each other and started laughing.

Sonia had her face pale white because of the four and her hair was a mess, just the sight of her made me laugh until tears cam running down my face.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!" a very thick voice boomed into the kitchen, Sonia and I froze.... uh-oh....

hey everyone :) i knw you all want to know why they need katie but you all will have to wait for the next chapters to find out :) haha :)

I realy hope you all like it.. :) please VOTE! COMMENT AND FAN :)


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