Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Standing under the street light with his arms folded across his chest was fang boy (Josh). I was frozen in place.... this can not be happening, I said to myself.

He was standing there like a god, literally. The street light made him glow; he looked scarier and more intimidating then ever, his big muscles around his arms looked even bigger then before, if that's even possible.

I could feel my lungs ache; I took in a deep breath. I hadn't even noticed that I stopped breathing. I slowly gained control of my body and started walking back slowly, I all my instincts were telling me to run and run far and fast. But I from what I've learnt, men are like wild animals, if you run away they'll come running after you, there was just one problem with that saying.... Fang boy isn't a man... I think...

I took a few steps back and saw that Josh didn't move so what I did next was stupid but I had to try something! I turned around and started running; adrenalin kicked in. And you know what surprised me is that I still was still holding the grocery plastic bag.

I ran as fast as I could but unfortunately I didn't get far when I saw someone else a few feet in front of me. I abruptly stopped, breathing hard from the run and from fear. I couldn't see the persons face because, well, it was dark. I could only see a figure.

"You should really stop running, it won't save you..." I herd a deadly smooth voice say. It took me a while to process who it was but then a memory of the same voice near my neck and everything clicked back together.... Hey I can't help if fear makes me slow!

I gulped, I was breathing really hard now, scared of what he would do. I felt the plastic bag slid down my hand and herd a soft noise of plastic moving.

"What do you want?" I was able to choke out a whisper that no human would of herd from where he was standing...

I herd him chuckle, "Well you saw something you were not suppose to see..."

"To bad we have to kill something so good looking as you." I herd a smooth but rough voice say very close behind me.

My breathing increased, I was literally gasping. I could feel my eyes start to water, I so badly wanted to curl up in a ball and cry, but I couldn't so I just let the tear go down my cheek.

I herd a few 'whooshing' sounds and in seconds I was circled, by big Buffy figures. I couldn't see their faces, but I knew what was coming. I bowed my head knowing that I wouldn't make it out of this and so... I just accepted the fact that I was going to die now... and die a virgin. Ugh I better go to heaven because of that! I know it was kind of arrogant to think about being a virgin and all but seriously, my family would miss me but would get over it.

I felt the wind around me go cold; I felt a presence in front of me. I looked up to be met with beautiful sea green eyes, they were so stunning. If I wasn't in the situation I was in now, I would have just started into them but I knew that those beautiful eyes would be the end of me, literally.

"I'm sorry...." I herd him whispered; I closed my eyes knowing that my next breath would be my last...

Right then I felt the air around me move; I was waiting for the pain, for darkness to take over. But nothing happened. I can still breathe; I can still feel my heart beating fast with each breath I took.

I opened my eyes to see why he didn't do anything. But I instantly regretted it when I saw what was standing right in front of me...

hey everyone!!! sorry for making you wait sooo long :)

hope you guys like this chapter!!!

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