Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!" a very thick voice boomed into the kitchen, Sonia and I froze.... uh-oh.... We both slowly turned around.

Standing there all mighty and royally pissed was none other then .... Philip.

He was standing by the doorway, glaring at us.

"Well are you going to answer me?" he said threw grinded teeth.

I saw Sonia open her mouth but then she shut it and bowed her head. I glared at him.

"Sonia, I really thought you were much more mature than this!" He said sounding really disappointed.

"My apologies, Master." she said in a faint voice.

He nodded, and then he turned his head towards me. He glared at me; I glared back.

We stood there glaring at each for a while. Then suddenly the kitchen door flew open and I heard people laugh and come in. For some reason everything fell silent... I'm thinking they could feel the tension in the room. I didn't move nor acknowledge them, I was to busy glaring at Philip and him glaring at me.

"What the hell happened to you two?" I heard Luke's voice say. I didn't move nor did Philip.

"They were wasting food." Philip said not breaking eye contact with me. I heard a few people chuckle and laugh.

"Luke I suggest you get ride of this human before I kill her." he said giving me a last glare before moving towards the door.

"You'll never get the chance." I said back venom and hatred dripping on each word. He was about to open the door, but he froze when he heard me.

He glared at me, and then left. I could feel the tension in the room ease up.

I heard someone sigh, "Katie..." I heard Sonia's soft voice say.

I shook my head and looked at her, "Yes?"

"You okay?" she asked looking at me carefully, I arched an eyebrow at her.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Ummm... no reason." she said to innocently. I saw her look over my head and a smile spread on her face.

I looked at her confused; then I turned around. Standing by the side of the counter was Luke, Lucas, they were both wearing the same thing, cargo pants and black men's tank top, so it was kind of hard to say who was who, and then there were a few men behind them.

They all looked at us, and burst out laughing. Sonia and I just looked at each other and shrugged.

"Okay boys out you go! Katie and I have some cleaning to do." She said walking towards them making a shoo motion with her hands.

"No way! We're hungry Sonia!" I heard one of them whine, the voice sounded oddly familiar.

Sonia put both hands on her hips, "Josh, I'm not even going to comment on that!"

I saw Josh pout and everyone started laughing, I looked at Sonia's face and she looked really annoyed with Josh, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh you people." Sonia said rolling her eyes.

I walked up to her and put my arm around her shoulder, which wasn't hard since we were about the same height.

"Oh you still love s Sonia!" I said hugging her from the side.

"Of course she does." one of the Luke, boys said... I think it was Lucas... I wasn't sure.

"Okay then you all go sit at the table, Katie you're going to clean the mess while I go to the attic and fetch a few things." she said in a tone that meant no space for arguments.

Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now