Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

In front of me was a huge snow white colored wolf standing over Lean guy, his back was to the ground.

Lean guy gave out a snarl. I was totally shocked, but I wasn't frozen in place, with everything I went throw today nothing can surprise me.

I felt the air around me move from cold to warm to cold again. And I also herd the sounds of bones clicking and popping and with in seconds there wasn't a wolf standing over Lean guy, but instead a figure which looked human. That figure immediately jumped off Lean guy and stood a few feet in front of me, and Lean guy stood up, dusting his pants, while all this Lean guys men didn't move, not even when Wolf boy attacked.

"I'm sorry my Prince Luke, but you can not kill this human." Wolf boy said in what sounded like a leaderish tone, I couldn't help but stare at him. It was dark but the way his figure was outlines I could see that he had a well build body and a very nice tight.... ass and to make the situation more weirder he looked like he was naked.

"Katie it's not nice to stare." I heard Josh say, I immediately snapped out of my thought and looked up and to my right at him, I glaring daggers at him. I could hear the smirk in his words and that pissed me of.

"What the FUCK! Do you mean that I can't kill her? She saw something she was not suppose to? The rules clearly state that any human that sees what we do, we either change them or kill them!" Lean guy, which I'm guessing is Luke, practically yelled at wolf boy.

"Prince I know the rules, but your parents said that they would like to meet the girl, that was able to actually live this far." Wolf boy said the last part in amusement, looking at him.

"UGH!" I herd Luke growl, "Fine, when do they want to see her?"

"As soon as possible, like now." Wolf boy said, like it was obvious.

"Jo-"Luke started to say but was cut off by a growl... a growl that I knew to well.

My breathing started to exhilarate, I slowly turned to my side.

Standing there were the tiger, I couldn't see what color the tigers were since it was dark, but I was sure it was tigers. My body was literally shaking.... I hate tigers!

I did something that surprised me more then it surprised anyone else. I ran and hide behind Luke, I don't know why I chose to hid behind him, but he was only one near me with cloths.

I couldn't see Luke' face very well but I could just imagine him raising an eyebrow at me in question.

Everything was silent. All Luke's men were standing behind me in a horizontal line, the tigers were standing their ground, but they didn't move. Just then a figure appeared from behind one of the tigers.


"You will not take her!" I heard a very familiar voice say, it sounded like... Marco?

"I'm sorry Marco but my parents, the King and Queen, want to see her." Luke said, and what surprised me the most was that he said it with respect.

I heard someone sigh, "Does she really have to go now?" Marco said, sounding frustrated.

"The orders of the king." Wolf boy said, sounding really board.

"Okay then I'll make sure everything goes well here this side." Marco said in a very respective tone. He still had those huge tigers next to him.

"Change back!" he commanded to the tigers behind them, I saw the huge figures move into a blurry figures of men, I could here bones pooping and clicking.

I sighed, relieved that there weren't tigers around.... well they were but not in tiger form.

"Um... Katie why you hiding behind Prince Luke?" Marco said sounding like he was moving closer to where I was.

"Um.... I thought it was something else..." I lied, I don't know why I lied, but I really didn't want to tell him the whole story of why I have a phobia of tigers.

I herd Luke chuckle, which made my blood boil, I didn't know why I got mad but I did something that hurt me more then it hurt him, literally. I punched him on his arm, and I must say his arms were more solid then they looked.

When my fist connected to his arm, it felt like I was punching a brick wall. I couldn't help but hold my injured fist in my other hand.

I herd people laugh behind and around me. I huffed.

"I think we should go now!" I herd wolf boy say as irritated as I felt.

"Till we meet again Marco, and don't worry I'll bring her back safe and sound." Luke promise.

"I will keep you by your promise Prince." and with that Marco turned around and started walking down the street with the two figures following him.

I just stood there watching them leave, I turned to Luke and he was doing the same thing.

"Prince I'll meet you at the palace." Wolf boy said, just then the air around me went from cold to hot again and he turned into a white wolf and started running towards the field faster then anything I've ever seen before.

"Well Katie since your human and slow, one of us has to carry you." Luke said, I could hear the smirk in his words. Oh how much I wanted to punch him and kick him where the sun doesn't shine!

"UGH!" I groaned, "No way." I said cocking my hip to one side and folding my arms across my chest.

I herd him sigh, "Josh." he said and right then I felt the ground below me disappear and I was slung over a very hard shoulder, it took me at least two seconds to get that I was over Josh's shoulder and I started hitting and kicking him.

"Ugh, let me go!" I yelled at him but now he was moving at a normal pace.

I herd him laugh, "Not happening." he purred; I froze. Okay that was weird...

I huffed and accept the fact that no matter how hard I tried he would win.

Suddenly the ground started becoming a blur and I could feel that we were moving really fast, I started feeling a little nauseous but I was able to swallow what was threatening to come out.

It went on like this for about 15minutes and then instead of seeing dark soil below me I saw something dark but it glowed and made whooshing sounds. In that instant I didn't know what he was walking or running on but then something in the back in my head said that it was water.... Wait no one can walk on water!

That went on for 5mintues, I really wasn't sure I was juts guessing. Josh suddenly stopped, I felt hands go to my waist and lift me and I felt a hand go to my mid back.

Suddenly I was lying on what felt like sand, I slowly curled my hands on my side and it dug into the ground. Yep defiantly sand.

I felt really light headed and my whole body ached a little and then suddenly I fainted...

Hey everyone sorry for keeping you all waiting!!!

HOPE YOU ALL like this chapter :)



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