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I can't figure it out.

How to feel.
What to do.
Emotions reel,
When my mind rests on you.

I don't go one day without thinking of you.
Numbness resides,
Where happiness died,
Now I've built a life anew.

Years ago,
You swore to me,
You promised with passion,
That you'd never leave.

But time goes on,
And people change,
The distance between us,
Grew in range.

I still see you,
Almost every day.
The pain quite familiar,
I've learned not to sway.

Your presence is constant,
In life and in thought.
It's hard to find the joy,
That you once brought.

I'm used to it now,
Waste no tears on me.
I've squandered plenty,
On what we used to be.

So do me a favor,
Move on with your life.
Do this for me,
Don't live it in strife.

Be happy and gleeful,
Hard-working and strong.
Be the things I adored,
Why I loved you so long.

I've moved on, too,
At least I'm beginning,
To find my place in the world.
For this I'm forgiving.

I no longer cling,
To what we once had.
For life without you,
I've figured out is not bad.

I wake up each morning,
Excited for the day,
And when I run into you,
A thought not long stays.

My thought is this,
That I hope you remember,
The times that we had,
When we were together.

The happiest years,
Were those spent with you,
But now I am ready,
To make memories new.

Epiphany strikes,
I've figured it out.

I never quite wanted to know what I felt.

To miss you? To love you?
To hate or begrudge you?

My heart didn't want,
To sort itself out,
It feared getting hurt,
I lived in doubt.

I know what I feel.
I know what to do.
I've accepted the fact,
Become quite used to it, too.

Trust me on this,
I haven't forgotten,
The year that I spent,
My heart gone rotten.

But now I'm at peace with myself,
My heart happy, too.
I'm doing quite well,
With my thoughts rid of you.

Poems from the Right BrainWhere stories live. Discover now