September Child | 2

59 2 4

God, I have this friend.
He is funny and strange in all the best ways.

But Lord, he is lost.
But then, aren't we all lost.
I don't know him that well yet.
But I feel as though I do.

He is footsteps behind me,
The prickling sensation I get in my fingertips, When I can't bear the sadness anymore.
He is a sweet unfinished melody.

Finish him, God.
Complete him.

I don't understand how you could let someone so pure become tainted by the darkness and despair of the world.

There's something nagging at me, God.
I think you want me to help him,
And I can't get him off my mind.
But then, I'm not the one who can help him.

I'm just a scared little girl who pretends to be older than I am,
Stronger than I am.

God, speak to him.
Whether it be through me or anyone else.
He deserves more than the hurdles life throws at him.
Please let him be happy.

He is soft, although he doesn't want to be.
Sounds a lot like me.

God, how can I help him to you?
My faith is so small,
So frail
So tired.

I don't know how to do it, God.
Help me.
Use me.

It's going to be difficult, for someone like me.
Harder than I would like.

I don't know what else to say, Lord.
Speak through me.

Help me.
Help him.
I'm desperate.


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