
25 3 1

I'm done waiting,
For school to end.

I'm done waiting,
For the weekend to come.

I'm done waiting,
For motivation to appear.

I'm done waiting,
For my life to begin.

I'm ready to start,
To take that first timid leap,
Into the unknown,
Off a hill that's so steep.

I've got to stop fearing,
This jump I must take,
And hit the ground running,
Accepting mistakes.

I long to fly off,
To the depths of nowhere,
And start life anew,
No restraints there.

Reckless with passion.

Ablaze with desire.

This is what I could achieve,
If I could take that terrifying leap.

So I come to my senses,
I rear back to gain momentum.

For what,
Could be,
More terrifying,
Than to wait forever?
Than never to leap,
A t  a l l?

Poems from the Right BrainWhere stories live. Discover now