The Process

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Butterflies in my stomach.
Frantic practicing.
Friends' encouragement.
Shaky legsw.
Weak voice.

Cast list.
Refresh email every 30 seconds.
More butterflies.
Rereading it 100 times.
Texting friends.

Table read.
Judging the cast.
Script and pencil.

Hours spent blocking.
Stumbling through music.
Failing dance steps.
Off-book by Monday.
Beginning to bond.

Getting closer.
Dancing at home.
Running lines.
Rehearsals every day.
The show always on my mind.

Saws and screwdrivers.
Painting the base coat.
Tiny details.
Paint-splattered clothes.
It all comes together.

Period clothing.
Fancy shoes.
Fittings and pins.
Getting into character.
The perfect fit.

Tech week.
Early mornings.
Late nights.
Feet hurt.
Hours spent waiting.
Exhilarated nerves.

Dress rehearsal.
Getting ready.
Work out the bumps.
Run quick changes.
The scene goes faster than I thought.
We're going to die.

Opening night.
Rehearsals all day.
Final sitzprobe.
Rest hour.
Set my props.
Inhale my dinner.

Getting ready.
Music blaring in the green room.
Smells like makeup.
Choking on hairspray.
Don my costume.
Final touches.

Frantic nerves.
Hugs all around.
Cast prayer.
A few nervous tears.
We've come this far.

Running to wings.
Smoothing costumes.
Thumbs up from opposite curtains.
One last hug.
We're gonna be great.

The curtain opens.
Nerves float away.
Prance onstage.
Sing my heart out.
Pose after the song.
We've got this.

Hurry offstage.
Bump into friends.
Down to the green room.
Whisper encouragement.
Preset my costume.

Laughter in the green room.
Guzzling water.
Grab a quick bite to eat.
Checking the time.
Rush to places.

Act 2.
Do it again.
Nail the dances.
Losing my voice.
Change in the wings.
We're so close.

Bow three times.
Smiles so wide.
Tackling everyone in hugs.
We did it.
Praise Jesus.

Meet and greet.
Jump offstage.
Say hello to old friends.
Acknowledge the praise.
Receive flowers from my parents.
Can't wait to do it again.

Get ready to go.
Mic ripped off.
Back to the green room.
Clean your station.
Reset your props.
Crash into bed.

The shows in between.
No sleep.
Notes the next morning.
Targeted rehearsals.
Two days in.
Already sentimental.

Closing show.
Bow one last time.
Dance party onstage.
Clean the wreck of a green room.
Grab my bags.
IHOP with the cast.

After party.
Tired giggles.
Inside jokes.
More pancakes.
Those poor waiters.
Memories made.

The next day.
Sleep in.
My life has no meaning.
Depressed beyond measure.
Tears fall.

Do it all over again.

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