
15 3 0

Check my email.
Nope, not here yet.
Fingernails tap,
Against the table.

Check it again.
More waiting.
More tapping.

Check once more.
Please, pretty please?
Air sucked out of my lungs.
I gasp -- it's HERE.

Email notifications,
Oh, how I love them!

I wince.
Will I receive,
Good news?
Or bad?

I say a prayer before I look.
Lord knows I need it.

"You have received a grade in Chemistry,"
Says the email.
Exactly what I wanted to see.
But I already knew what it was -- what grade is in store for me?

A low C in the 70s,
Like last time before,
Or high in the nineties,
How my heart would soar!

I tap on the link,
Thumbs shaking.
Stomach twisting.
Lungs inhaling.

I hold my breath.
The page loads.
Here it comes.
Can I bear to look?

I open my eyes,
Just one tiny bit,
In attempt to see,
My grade so be it.

And what to my wondering eyes does appear,
A 97! Oh, dear!
I had been oh so nervous,
I awaited my grade in such fear.

I can breathe now,
And sleep!
And eat!

My stomach releases,
Its tight-held anxiety,
As I go to squeal,
Into my pillow in privacy,
With giddiness galore.
I scream some more.

My hard work paid off,
The long hours, too.

I think I'll make it.

Yeah. I'll make it.

Poems from the Right BrainWhere stories live. Discover now