Chapter 1

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                 "Jason, go" a voice whispered in his ear. "Go, get rid of them for your mom. They are trespassing, they will hurt your dear mom."

                 I was so happy, this was the first field trip I've had in ages, last time we got to go on an actual field trip, was 8th grade to worlds of fun. But now, in high school as a senior, we're going on a field trip to Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco, even after the 'incident' 38 years ago where there, some kids got killed by this masked murderer who was supposedly invincible. No one knows if he is still alive or not, but he seemed old, so everyone assumes he died of age or something. But, putting the past aside, we are the first seniors to get a field trip, ever. "BRYCE!!!" screeched my friend Juliana, who made me jump and go into a defensive position, but when I saw her, I immediately put my defenses down. "Hiya, whatcha doing there Bryce?" she said in a caring voice. I didn't care much for love in my life, but if I did, it would not be her. I cared more for Ashlyn DeLong, who had everything. She could draw, she had all A's, she was funny, she was nice, she had great hair, and when I say great hair, I mean great hair, not ok, not bad, not good, not meh, great. But, she already has a boyfriend, which is not surprising. "Good, you?" I replied. "I'm good, so, Bryce, how do you think about this, once in a lifetime, field trip?" she asked. But right as I was getting ready to reply, the bell rang, so I quickly said "Bye Juli, see you in algebra!"

                 I couldn't stop thinking about this 'Masked murderer', who could still be alive, so when I got home, I went to the computer and searched up 'Masked murderer at Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco in 1979' and honestly, not a lot came up, just pictures of the place itself, and a movie called 'Friday the 13th' which is, conveniently, the day of the field trip. So I asked my parents, Tommy Jarvis and Ginny Field-Jarvis to see if they knew anything, but they didn't know, said they could just be rumors and what-not. After an hours worth of research, I decided that it's not worth researching something if there's no actual facts or anything to really base off of. Later that night, I still couldn't sleep, so I went to the refrigerator to get a drink, but then, I saw it. Staring straight at me, was a masked murderer that wasn't wearing a regular old mask, it was a hockey mask, covered in blood, dirt, and scrapes. It wasn't moving, just staring at something. Staring at me. Suddenly he breaks the glass with his hatchet and, wait, a hatchet?! I panicked when he ran at me, and I froze and yelled, "Stop!" Suddenly, like I was it's master, it froze and left the kitchen. I was still frozen, thinking of what had just happened. Then I snapped out of it, got a drink, and went to bed. The next morning I was still shaken up by the fact I nearly died, but I was more interested in why I didn't die, and why he froze as I shouted. I decided to myself, that I was not to tell anyone about it, not even my pet cat, Toby. 

                  So during school, I was silent, and kept the attention away from myself and avoided any big conversations the entire day, which was, let me tell you, not easy. Especially with Juli breathing down my neck half the time. Every time I looked over my shoulder, there she was, staring at me from in the crowd. Honestly, I think she might be stalking me. The other half she was in front of me, trying to talk to me, and all I said was, "I'm in a bad mood" or, "Please leave me alone." But I froze in my tracks when she cried, "It's Ashlyn, isn't it? You're dating her, I mean, I knew she broke up with Jason and started dating someone else, but I would've never guessed she was dating you!" Then she starts tearing up. "No! It's not that!" I yell, but she ran away, crying. That was the first time I had ever seen Juli cry, not considering that I was the one who did it. So during algebra, I decided to apologize to her, and tell her that I'm not dating her, and I didn't even know Ashlyn broke up with Jason, but when I walked into the room, I scanned for Juli, she wasn't there, so I just thought she was in her locker or something. But as the hour went by, she never walked right on in. During the entire school day, I hadn't seen her, so I figured she just quit shadowing me throughout the day, and that I would see her on the bus. But that never happened, she wasn't on the bus either, so I went to her house, and her parents said she hadn't come home, and they were starting to get really worried.

                      I went around the block to find her, but she was nowhere to be found. Anywhere. So I decided to look at the sycamore tree that Julie loves that is just outside of the neighborhood, and sure enough, she was there, looking into the sunset. "Hey" I called. Looks like I scared her since she whipped around and nearly fell off of her branch she was sitting on. "Go away, I'm not in the mood" she said glumly. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry Julie, but you misunderstood, I'm not dating anyone." I had truthfully said. "I don't believe you!" shouted Juli "You're probably just trying to make me feel better!" She revolted. "Ok, I'm going now, believe me, or not, you're choice." I lied. I was going to sneakily climb up the tree and calmly talk to her. It was kind of easy, the sycamore tree, which Julie had named after me, had a slide-like branch that circled around the tree. She scared me saying "I thought you left to go snog Ashlyn?" "Snog?" I asked. "Make-out" she said flatly. "Ahhhh," I said understandingly "One, no, two, I told you I'm not dating her, I like someone else." "Ok, sure" She replied sarcastically "No, seriously!" I said and pushed her playfully. She started laughing which I guess meant she understands. We then slid down, and lied down on the bed of grass, and stared at the stars and moon.

                        The next day in school, everything was back to normal. Except for the fact that Ashlyn had asked me out, I immediately said no. To the hottest girl in the school. And she asked me out, the ugliest guy in school. And I said no without thought. "What?" She said. "I said no, N-O, NO" I had spoken like I was talking to a three-year-old. She went off at first scoffing, then ran away crying. For the first time, I actually felt good about making someone cry, and the second time I made someone cry. Later that day, everyone was talking to me like I was a hero or something, I kept telling them that I had just said no, easy. Everyone continued to bother me, and Juli acted like my bodyguard like I was the president or something. The day was long, exceptionally long. But, It did eventually end, and I was safe, I told Julie thanks for protecting me all day. That night I went to bed wondering whether I had done the right thing, I had rejected Ashlyn, but I did avoid the entire 'Juli' situation. I did eventually fall asleep knowing that I had made the right choice, choosing best friend against girlfriend.

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