Chapter 2

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A/N: I'm going to go ahead and post the second chapter, too since its New Years. Again, Happy New Year everybody! Also, this book is a little slow at first, but it'll get going soon. (By the way this isn't edited yet, so I apologize for any mistakes)

It’s almost the end of the first period and the new guy still hasn’t shown up. I wonder if he’s going to show up at all. Today is supposed to be his first day. Maybe he got scared and decided not to come. Or maybe that’s just something I would do.

He could just be lost or he wasn’t coming this period, that’s the most logical explanation. The whole first month I was here, I was getting lost left and right and was late to most of my classes. This building is too confusing.

I glanced up at the clock to see that it was seven minutes till class was over. I sighed silently to myself and decided to at least try and focus on what I’m supposed to be learning.

Right as I looked down at my laptop to follow along with the online textbook, the door opened, causing me to look back up again. A guy looking just a bit older than me stood beneath the door frame. If he was a few inches taller, his head would have hit the top of the door. He’s much taller than me. I probably would just barely reach his chin if I’m lucky.

His chocolate brown hair was in a messy style on top of his head and his blue eyes look bright against his dark hair color. He had light colored skin, but he didn’t look too pale, unlike myself. Needless to say, he’s gorgeous.

I definitely haven’t seen him around before, I would have noticed someone like him walking through the hall or sitting in this classroom. He’s definitely hard to miss.

Then it clicked in my mind. This must be Jackson. The Jackson that I’m supposed to show around the school today. Uh-uh, no way. Is it too late to take back my agreement? Maybe I can jump out a window instead.

“It’s nice to see that you finally showed up,” Mr. Heart said to the boy. Should I say boy? He looks more like a man. “Everyone, this is Jackson, he’s our new student. I would like you all to give him a warm welcome.”

There’s no way I can talk to him. I mean, look at him. Someone like me shouldn’t be near someone like him. He’ll draw so much attention to himself today. I don’t even know if I’ll be able to get within a foot of him without being trampled on.

“Sorry for being late, I had trouble finding my way here,” The teen apologized. The sound of his voice sent a shiver down my spine.

Why must everything about this guy be attractive?

I don’t know if I’m going to make it through the day. He’s going to be swarmed by girls and the popular kids and whoever else might want him in their groups. And I’m sure, by the end of it, he’ll be with the jocks.

I sighed, I may be used to their abuse, but I’m not prepared for another to join them.

Honestly, though, I don’t know what I was expecting to happen. A new kid that was possibly more like me? Nope, instead he’s a hot guy that I’ll probably have a crush on until I realize that he’s just like the rest of the people at this school.

Although, I shouldn’t just assume. I don’t know anything about him, just like he knows nothing about me.

“No need to worry, just take a seat beside Phoenix over there,” Mr. Heart said as he pointed to the empty seat beside me.

Jackson nodded and thanked the teacher before making his way over to the seat as he was instructed to.

I only glanced at him for a moment with a small smile, not trying to appear rude before turning my attention away. I know that if I didn’t look away I would want to stare and I didn’t want to creep the guy out. I let out a small sigh at the thought, that would be embarrassing.

“You don’t like that I’m sitting beside you?” I heard a low voice whisper from beside me, only loud enough for me to hear.

“I-I never said that,” I muttered quietly, not trying to draw any attention to us, but I couldn’t help but take another glance at Jackson. My heart skipped a beat in its chest when I noticed his face was only inches from mine. I quickly looked away again and my cheeks started to light up with a blush. Great, now I’m all flustered and he hasn’t even done anything.

“Then why’d you sigh?” He continued to question, not moving an inch from his spot.

This is the first time I’m talking to this guy, and I can already smell the trouble coming from him.

“No reason,” I whisper, completely forgetting about the task that I’m supposed to be focusing on. He hummed for a moment in response before speaking again.

“Can I see your computer? I don’t have one yet, they said I’ll get it sometime before the end of the day.” He said, shifting in his seat to move a little closer to glance at my screen. Jackson was penetrating my personal space bubble now. Not that I really have one since people break it all the time, but still. His presence made me want to melt into my seat.

“Y-yeah, sure,” I stuttered as I turned my laptop enough for both of us to see, while mentally face-palming at my stutter. I can’t believe I just did that.

Jackson smiled and I swear I died, “Thanks.”

I nodded in response and quickly looked away, trying to pretend that I wasn’t dying inside. Luckily, Mr. Heart started talking again and it gave me enough of a distraction until the end of class.
When the bell rang and the teacher dismissed us, I was ready to jump out of my seat and run for the door. Then I remembered that I was the one that was supposed to show Jackson around the school.

I stood up and put my laptop away in its case just as Jackson also stood up.

“So, do you think you can help me find my next class? I don’t want to be this late again,” He said with a small chuckle.

“Um, yeah, actually, Mr. Heart told me that we have a similar schedule and that I should show you around the school today,” I said, not being able to bring myself to look at him. I hope he doesn’t think that I don’t like him.

“Oh, that’s perfect then,” Jackson said just as a group of students started heading our way, well, more like Jackson’s way. They were probably going to interrogate him.

“We should hurry before we’re late,” I say hurriedly and make my way out of the classroom, trying my best to avoid everyone, Jackson following close behind.

“Why are you in such a rush?” He asked, now standing beside me while walking through the hall that started to become crowded as students walked out of their classrooms.

“I just… I like to be early,” I lie, but it was my only excuse for avoiding those people. I could have told the truth, but I didn’t.

“Are you a good student then?”

“Um, I guess,” I answered, not really knowing how to reply. I wasn’t bad and didn’t get into trouble, but my grades weren’t the best.

“Do you play any sports?” Jackson questioned and I almost laughed.

“Do I look like I play sports?” I ask. Does he really think I plays sports? I would get pummeled.

“No, not really, just curious. How come you have one blue eye and one brown eye?” Jackson asked and I avoided his gaze completely.

Great, he noticed. Not that it’s hard to notice, it’s very noticeable actually. Which is why I hate my eyes. I get a lot of attention for them and not good attention.

I sighed softy before responding, “Isn’t this questioning thing supposed be the other way around? Since you’re the new person and all.”

Luckily, he wasn’t offended and he just shrugged. “I guess, but you aren’t asking me anything. What’s wrong with me asking you questions? I may be new to you, but you’re new to me.”

He made a good point and I couldn’t argue with that.

“You’re right, I’m sorry. To answer your question you had before, I have-"

“Hey, it’s Phoenix,” An eerily familiar voice said from behind me, making me freeze on the spot. His arm found its way around my shoulder and he tugged me close, making me stumble a little and flinch at his touch. “You didn’t come to our meeting this morning, we missed you,” Blythe said with an evil grin in his face, although, from the outside, it didn’t look that way.
The blood drained from my face once I realized my mistake. I forgot that I’m supposed to meet Blythe and his gang in the morning at the back of the school. If not, they’ll find me later and make it much worse in the afternoon. I wish I hadn’t distracted myself this morning.

“I-I um… S-sorry,” Is all I could manage to say. There is no point in telling him that I got distracted or even coming up with a really good lie, he doesn’t care. He would just make it worse because I made an excuse. It’s better to just apologize.

“That’s too bad,” Blythe said as his voice lowered to whisper near my ear for only me to hear. “I guess the next one going to be twice as long, yeah?”

I shuddered in horror at the thought, my legs began to shake and I bit my lip to try and calm myself down. I couldn’t look weak, it wouldn’t help anything, but I couldn’t help it.

“Excuse me, he’s kind of my escort today, so could you please let him go so I’m not late to class.” Jackson stepped in and removed Blythe’s arm from my shoulders, looking irritated.

As much as I appreciate him stepping in like that, he just made it worse by angering Blythe.

“You’ve got some nerve touching me like that. I was just talking to him. Why’d you interrupt us like that,” Blythe snapped at him and glowered at Jackson who seemed unfazed by Blythe.

“I’m sorry, but it’s almost time for class to start. Can’t you guys jerk each other off in the bathroom later, like during lunch?” Jackson said and scowled at Blythe. Nick then came up to join in the conversation, probably wondering what this guy was doing talking back to his partner in crime.

Ouch, so maybe Jackson wasn’t standing up for me. But I’m surprised that he stood up to Blythe like that. I haven’t seen anyone do that except Nick whenever they get into their occasional arguments. Then again, they are about the same size and Jackson obviously seems to be able to handle himself.

“You’re funny, but I’m not a cock-sucker like this loser,” Blythe said and he swiftly moved his foot under mine and knocked me off my feet and to the ground. I hissed in pain and rubbed my bottom that was now throbbing in pain from hitting the hard floor. I watched as he walked away with a smirk on his face. Nick snickered in amusement and followed beside him.

I’m definitely not looking forward to later.

I hadn’t noticed Jackson was staring at me until he offered his hand to me, keeping his eyes on mine. I quickly looked away out of habit and scrambled to my feet, not taking his hand.

“This way,” I mumbled before continuing my journey to our next class.

“Why didn’t you introduce me to your friends?” Jackson mused as he followed close behind me.

“They’re not my friends,” I said as I continued to walk, looking down at the ground, too ashamed to look up.

“Yeah, I noticed. So, who is he? Football star? Soccer captain? Basketball player? Mr. Popular?” He asked. This guy sure asks a lot of questions.

“This school isn’t really big on football, we’re not that good and we’re a small school despite the building being so big. We have soccer, but everyone thinks the games are boring to watch, so no one really goes. Blythe is the volleyball captain and all of his friends are on the volleyball team.” I answer as I walk into the biology room.

“Huh, volleyball, I didn’t expect that.” He said before he made his way to the teacher’s desk, cutting off our conversation.

I sat in my usual seat in the back and got out my laptop for class. When I glanced off the screen, I noticed that half the class was surrounding Jackson, who was sitting on the opposite side of the room from me.

I’m kind of glad he’s not sitting beside me. I don’t want to be distracted during class again. And I couldn’t handle a crowd like that. He doesn’t seem to mind the attention though.


Once class was over, I shyly made my way over to Jackson. I know that I probably shouldn’t have, but he did say I was his escort and I told Mr. Heart that I would take him to his classes today.

“What’s the shrimp doing here?”

“It’s the kid with the freaky eyes.
“Do you know him, Jackson?"

“I can’t believe he thinks he can just walk over here; doesn’t he know who he is?”

“It’s best you stay away from him. He brings trouble wherever he goes.”

The group that surrounded Jackson said whenever I started to get close. It was clear that I wasn’t welcome and that I should just leave. So that’s what I did. I’m sure someone from that group will gladly take him where he needs to go next.

A hand on my shoulder stopped me as soon as I was almost out the door. I flinched, thinking it was someone who wanted to hurt me, but when I turned around, I saw Jackson’s face staring back at mine.

“Where are you going? You’re supposed to be showing me around,” Jackson said and his grip loosened on my shoulder whenever he noticed that I was uncomfortable. 

In a way, he reminds me of Blythe. Which isn’t really a compliment. He kind of scares me, although, he definitely seems to have a nicer side than them. They would never let me go like that.

“W-well, you seemed a bit busy with those people. So, I thought that maybe one of them would show you to your next class instead.” I said quietly, feeling a little guilty that I was going to ditch him. Clearly, they didn’t want me around and I didn’t want to be there, but Jackson seemed to have a different opinion. I avoided their cold stares and glares that sent daggers my way while I tried to focus on Jackson.

“I don’t really like any of these people. They’re not very nice, I don’t know much about you, but your eyes aren’t freaky. I think they’re cool. Besides, you let me talk a lot more than them,” He said nonchalantly as he lead me out of the classroom, leaving me and everyone else stunned. “And you’re my escort for today, Nix. Not them.”

Several people seemed shocked my Jacksons’ words and I was one of those people. He just blew off an entire group of people that others would die to hang out with. Jackson could easily be one of the popular people, but he keeps blowing them off. And... He complimented my eyes. No one has done that before.

Once I finally was brought back to reality, I quickly turned us around and steered Jackson in the right direction of the next class, finally realizing we were going to wrong way.

“Nix?” I question, trying to change the subject and ignore all the stares we were getting.

“Yeah, Phoenix is a nice name and all, but it’s also too long. I’m going to call you Nix from now on,” Jackson said as he shrugged and gave me a goofy smile.

I shook my head then blushed when I realized that he had his arm around me this entire time and I dodged out of his grip. How did I not notice that?

“You’re so weird,” I mumble, but I didn’t mean it in a bad way.

“Says the one who has a mythical bird name and heterochromia,” Jackson said with a chuckle as he walked beside me down the hall. Huh, so he does know about my eyes. Then why did he ask?

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