Chapter 13

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A/N: Here's chapter 13! Have a wonderful day everyone~

Jackson's POV

Luckily we made it out of the locker room and to second period before gym class started. I swear Phoenix was going to have a panic attack if we wouldn't have made it on time. Unfortunately, we were seated on opposite sides of the room so I couldn't talk to him.

I had a few questions that I really want answered. Maybe school wasn't the place for the questions I had, but what can I say, I'm a curious guy. Who wouldn't be after witnessing what he deals with at school on a daily basis and those strange abilities of his. I've only ever read about things like that in books. Well, maybe not the bullying part, I've seen and dealt with it myself before. The pyrokinetic thing, now that's something amazing to witness in real life. That's not what I should be thinking about though.

I should be thinking about what happened earlier. I can't believe those guys would do that to Nix like that. Oh, wait, yes I can. I've seen it happen many times before so I don't know why it's such a surprise to see them treat him like that. Probably because he seems so sweet and innocent, that I don't understand how someone could hurt him and not even bat an eye. In fact, he seemed to be enjoying it.

At least the guys at my old school had a reason. Then again, I don't know a whole lot about Phoenix except he's some strange fire wizard, he's usually alone, no one likes him, and Blythe and Nick hate him. I really need to learn about this kid before I make a real judgment about him. That's part of the reason I wanted to become friends with him and the fact that I find him interesting.

"Hey, Jackson," A sweet voice said beside me and I turned my head to look at Jewl. She leaned forward on her desk, batting her eyelashes at me with her head in her hand, trying to look all cute.

Okay, I know several girls and hardly any of them do that. She's an odd one. I think she's trying way too hard, if she would just tone down her flirty behavior twenty notches, I honestly wouldn't mind asking her out. Jewl doesn't seem all that bad and she's good-looking. Only problem is that she's involved with those meat-head jerks. No thanks, I'd rather stick with my friend than go through that hell again.

"Hey," I replied back, not really too interested in starting a conversation, but I'm not going to ignore her. That would be rude and she hasn't done anything to me.

"Are you going to the Halloween party this weekend?" She asked. Oh, I forgot that Halloween was coming up in a few days. I guess I don't really care since last year I didn't even recognize the holiday, let alone celebrate it. Honestly I didn't miss out on much except the unnecessary dressing up. That can be a little fun to dress as someone else for a night.

"No," I said. She didn't seem to take that for an answer.

"Let me rephrase that. Will you come with me to a costume party this weekend? We can dress up together in matching outfits, doesn't that sound fun?" Jewl asked, keeping her smile up like she has been since I met her.

"No, not really," I decline again. Jewl's smile faltered for a moment and I could tell she wasn't too happy about saying no. Twice. Some people just don't like taking no for an answer.

"You have all week to come up with an answer, you should think about it," She said. I knew that by the end of the week my answer would still be no. I don't want to go, especially not with her. People would probably think that we were dating or something and I definitely don't want anyone getting that idea. Phoenix in particular, I don't know how he would react to something like that.

Not that I should really care, but Jewl is part of the same group of people that bully him so he might get the wrong idea about whose side I'm on.

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