Chapter 5

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Five minutes until the last bell was planned to ring, letting everyone know that school was over for the day. I haven't seen Jackson at all this period since we have separate classes, but he convinced me to at least take him to his class since I knew where it was.

I was thinking about asking my mom if I could take a trip to the store whenever I got home. My locker is almost empty and I need to be prepared for tomorrow, and the rest of the week.

 My mind stopped thinking about that, though as soon as I realized that school is almost over and I was still in trouble with Nick and Blythe. Just because they took a hit at me during lunch, doesn't mean they won't do it again after school.

I only grew more nervous as I watched the minutes on the clock.


Time felt like I was crawling as I stopped counting the minutes and started counting the seconds.

8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2-

The shrill bell rang and everyone quickly stood up and packed their bags so they could leave as soon as possible. People are always in such a hurry, sometimes I wonder if they really need to get somewhere quickly or if they're just that impatient. 

Maybe a mix of both. Also, a lot of people seem to not like school, including myself, they probably just wanted to get out of here. Who could blame them? I would be trying to escape just as fast if I thought I had any way of escaping the horrors that were going to come after leaving the building. 

I slowly stood up and packed my bag, in no hurry at all, knowing what was coming to me.

One, by one, everyone exited the room, some even in twos if they could fit. As I headed to the door myself, I felt like the weight of the world was weighing me down. I didn't want to walk any further.

But I had to.

Usually, I just get my morning beating and the teasing and occasional shove throughout the day so when it's time to go home, I can.

Not today, though. I'm going to have to walk home.

My mother will be upset. She hates it when I'm late coming home. She always asks a million questions about why I was gone and that next time I better be home one time.

I hate it when I upset my mother, she's the only one I have, seeing her sad or mad at me breaks my heart. I don't want to see the one person that cares about me angry with me.

"So you made it this time?" Blythe said with a grin as I walked out past the back door, to the back of the school, where, unfortunately, nobody was except Blythe and his friends.

All I could was nod in response. My words had been lost after remembering earlier. I was really hoping they wouldn't do that twice in one day. My body couldn't handle that.

I may be able to stop the pain, but I can't heal myself. Even if I could, I wouldn't. It would be too suspicious.

"Here's the thing..." Blythe started speaking again as he took a step forward towards me, grinning. I don't know how anyone can enjoy doing this to someone and enjoy it so much. "You, being your clumsy, stupid self, fell down the stairs."

What? I didn't fall down any stai-

Just then, an excruciating pain shot up through my arm with a loud snap, followed by a blood-curdling scream. I wasn't even sure if it was from myself. But I knew it was as soon as a hand covered my mouth and I saw Blythe's dark amber eyes glaring down at mine, not a single glimpse of remorse in them.

"Don't think that for one second you're safe now that there's a new kid in town. I'm still in control of you and I always will be. Now, you should probably take care of that," He smirked while glancing towards my now broken wrist. "Stairs can be a bitch."

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