Chapter 19

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A/N: More chapters are coming soon! I'm going to start posting more often. They'll be shorter chapters, but I'll be posting one every other day or so. (: Have a good day everyone and thank you for reading! <3

Phoenix's POV 

"Well, well, look who it is," Blythe said with a wide grin like a Cheshire cat as he sat down across from me. Nothing about his grin was friendly though. His eyes stared down at me, I held his stare for a moment before looking down at my hands in my lap. I don't like looking people in the eye and Blythe just made it even harder. "I haven't seen you here since... When was it? The first day of last year?"

I bit my lip and didn't say anything. It was the second day of school. The first day Blythe wasn't here. Why? I don't know, but the second day... 

"Hey, I'm talking to you. Answer me," Blythe said as he slammed his hand down in front of on top of the table. I jumped and looked up at him with wide eyes in surprise, only to dart my eyes back down to the table. 

"I-I don't remember," I stuttered. I hate that I stutter when I'm nervous. 

"Shame. I remember what I did, you should too." He said, his grin turning into a smirk. I sank into my seat. This was a bad idea. I knew it was... I just had some hope that it wasn't going to be this way. At first, it seemed fine, until it was almost the end of lunch then he found me. 

"Hey Nix, we should be going, we told Mr. Heart we would help him finish a project," Jackson jumped in and grabbed my arm. I jumped slightly before looking up at him and nodded before getting up. 

"You think you can just leave our conversation like that?" Blythe asked in a curt tone. I stopped in my place and looked at him again, chewing on my inner lip. I don't want to be here, I don't want to stay. But if I don't stay, what will he do later? 

"It's okay, Blythe, let him leave, we have other important things to do than worry about a freak like him," Nick said from beside him, looking down at me with disgust. My stomach twisted ina an odd knot and I started to feel sick again being in their presence. Please, please let me leave. I mentally begged, but I would never say so out loud. 

Blythe nodded in agreement, "Right, we have to get ready for the assembly." He stood up and looked at me again, the grin back on his face. "I'll see you later, 'Nix'" he quoted from what Jackson had been calling me, his eyes flashing yellow as he said my name. A shiver went down my spine and the same fear I had felt earlier was coming back to me all over again. Maybe this time I will be sick. 

Jackson tugged on my arm again and I turned my eyes off of the two and looked at him instead. "C'mon, you don't have to be here anymore." He said quietly and led me out of the cafeteria. I followed, watching his hand on my arm, trying to focus on anything else than this unsettling feeling. His hand was warm and gentle, it calmed me down only slightly. Still, it was something. Once we were out of the lunchroom, Jackson kept walking. I had expected him to stop once we were farther away, but he kept walking, towards the doors that led outside. I didn't want to question where he was taking me. Honestly, I'd rather leave the school. If that's where he's taking me, then I don't mind it. 

Once we were outside he let go of my arm, I was a little disappointed, but I didn't complain. Jackson turned to face me and stared for a moment. "What happened between you two?" 

"I don't want to talk about it," I replied, keeping my voice quiet. I'm not trying to be rude, I just don't want to talk about that. Especially not now when I feel sick at the thought of Blythe. 

"I've been trying not to ask about it, but this is getting to be too much Phoenix. Every time he or that other kid is around you look sick and they treat you like shit. I don't think it's justified at all. I'm not trying to be nosey, but I've dealt with bullies before. I know another student stepping in isn't going to solve the problem, but you can talk to me about it or we can go to the principal or something. It's hard to watch and do absolutely nothing." Jackson said. He sounded upset, but at me directly. 

"You aren't doing anything. You're here, with me," I replied without actually thinking and I felt my cheeks burn up almost immediately. "I-I mean, I'm used to not having anyone around and it's just nice to have someone here. I'm not really comfortable to talk about that right now. In all honesty, I feel sick just thinking about them right now. I've tried to go to the teachers and the principal. They don't care, I don't know why they just don't. I just... I know this a lot to ask of you and you don't really know me and I don't want to cause you any trouble. Will you just stay for a little bit? Please..?"

I held my breath after I finished, staring at my feet in silence, waiting for his response. Jackson let out a soft sigh before taking a step forward and his feet were now in my view. 

"Did I ever say I was leaving?" He asked and I felt his hand on top of my head. I blushed and was going to respond but he went on. "I don't know a lot about you, but you don't seem like a bad person. I'll be here whenever you're ready to talk. We're friends, remember? You don't have to ask me to stay." A small smile played on my lips and I looked up at him. 

"I hope to see you smile more often," he said and ruffled my hair playfully, the bell ringing just as he pulled his hand away from my head. 

I turned my head away from him, trying to hide my blush and my smile from him. I felt something strange stirring inside of me. It wasn't fear as I had felt earlier. This feeling was in my chest. Happiness? I'm pretty sure that's what it is. 

"The assembly is starting soon," I said, remembering that the bell had just rung, meaning lunch was over. 

"Then let's go," He said and head back inside and so did I. 

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