Chapter 16

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A/N: Wow guys, it's been so long since I updated! I am so so sorry that I haven't posted a chapter in so long! I never intended to take this long to write this chapter, I've just been crazy busy and I know that's not a good excuse, but it's the truth. I really hope to get my stuff together and update much more frequently. Again, I apologize for any inconvenience, I've seen several messages and comments to update this story so I decided to get it done asap. I promise to do better and get you guys chapters much faster this time! Have a nice day everyone (:

Phoenix's POV

After briefly explaining what my mother and I had talked about, more like what she had told me and what I had to agree to, Jackson just nodded his head slowly.

"I need a little bit of time to think. You know to process all of... This," he said as he motioned his hand from me to the window. Probably referring to the wolf situation when he pointed outside. I nodded my head in understanding.

"Right," I replied. Honestly, I'm surprised he hasn't run for the hills yet. He's taking this a lot more calmly than I had expected. Then again he did take me being a pyro pretty okay. And not even I know what to make of the wolves. That surprised the both of us. But after meeting my mother, I don't think he'll ever want to come back. Not that I blame him.

"As much as I don't want to go home because I don't want to face my grandparents, or the wilderness for a while, I get the feeling that I'm not welcome to stay here either." Jackson said, glancing between me and the kitchen door, which I'm sure my mom was still behind, eavesdropping.

"I would disagree and say you are, but.. I'm not too sure. Maybe she can give you a ride so at least the wilderness is crossed off your list?" I suggested and before Jackson could even respond, my mom walked through the kitchen doors holding her car keys in hand.

"Let's get you home, it's late," She said and started leading to the door without any hesitation. I know how she suspicious she can be, but I think she's taking this a little too far. Jackson is a good guy.

"Alright then, I guess the decision is made," Jackson said with a less than encouraging smile. "I'll see you at school, Nix."

I waved a little as he started to follow my mother out the door. "See ya," I replied weakly, not having too much confidence in whether he was serious or not. "Good luck with your grandparents."

He stopped for a moment before turning his head around towards me, "Good luck with your mom." He said before disappearing behind the thick wooden door.

After watching the car disappear from the driveway, I headed upstairs to my room. On a day like today, I want nothing more than to relax in my room on my comfortable bed. That and since my mom is gone I can play around and relax without having to worry about getting caught.

I collapsed onto the comforting duvet on my bed with a sigh and grabbed the closest pillow to me and hugged it. A small part of me wished it was a real person that I was hugging. Kind of like the time when I was in the locker room and Jackson hugged me...

But this was enough. Sometimes it's nice to be alone and have a little time by myself. Not like I ever really have anyone else around anyway. Having Jackson around has lifted my mood, though. I really need to stop thinking about him so much. I need to focus my mind onto something else.

I know if I keep thinking about him like I have been I'll get attached on an unhealthy level. Although, when does it start to become unhealthy to think about someone too much whenever you've never had a friend before?

I don't know. I guess I can mess with my phone to find something to do, but that doesn't seem to interesting. I sighed in defeat and stared off at the wall, thinking about the wolves from earlier. It's crazy that, that happened. I wonder if they were just wild or they were stalking us. I don't think it's the latter, it was probably just random. If they did claim this land instead of just passing through, then I don't think I'll ever be able to go in the forest again without fearing being eaten.

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