Remus x Reader

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Remus Lupin x Reader
Warning: nightmares

You sat in front of the fire waiting for the morning to dawn on you. Insomnia had proven its self to be both an advantage and disadvantage during your time at hogwarts. Today however, it proved to be a disadvantage since no one was up and you didn't have any ingredients to work on your own potions. You also had no more books to read to your dismay so now you'd have to wait at least a week till you had another book in your possession. You sighed to yourself wishing you had come up with a suitable sleep potion that could assist in your issues but sadly the last attempt only changed the color of your eyes for five hours. From behind you, you could hear someone descending down the staircase that lead to the boys dormitories. You hoped no one would question why you were up this as the prefects and Mcgonagall already knew. You realized quickly it was Remus Lupin. You smiled softly to yourself at the thought of spending the early hours of the morning with the boy you loved but couldn't help but wonder why he was up so early since you knew he was a heavy sleeper.

Remus clumsily made his way to stairs with the only thought consuming his mind was a wish for the nightmares to stop. When he reached the end he noticed the fire crackling then saw your face come into view. The smile on his face was a lazy one but it was near to impossible for him to not smile in presence as hard as he's tried. "Y/n you're up so earlier, might I ask the reason?". Remus always spoke so formal yet polite to you. You couldn't help but wonder what you could do to get his to drop all formalities around you. "Insomnia". You provided a sad and tired smiled after your simple response. Remus nodded his head. He knew exactly why you were up. He'd be dumb to not notice the hardships the girl he liked had to deal with but he had to be polite around you so he wouldn't mess up any chances he has with you. "How about you? Why are you up so early?". Remus looked at his feet as he took a seat next to you on the cozy couch. "Remus are you okay?". He looked distant and sad all of a sudden and now you only wished you hadn't asked at all. "Just nightmares is all". He stared into the fire recounting the one he just had. They usually were the same, him during a full moon hurting someone he cared about. Typically it went to his three best friends but this time it went to you and that terrified him more than anything else in the world.

You both sat in silence, not knowing what the appropriate action was. You wanted to help Remus and at least attempt to make him feel a little better but what if you messed up? There was an easy chance for Remus to start hating you if you said the wrong thing. Remus himself was internally freaking out due to the fact he didn't know what to say and didn't want to ruin his possible only opportunity to talk to you alone. "So um Y/n.. Sirius told me you'd been working on a new potion.. anything good from it?". He gave out a nervous chuckle. You hesitated for a second. Few people knew you worked on such dangerous things at the school. If a potion went wrong you could get killed or hurt someone else but mostly you were willing to take risks, that's one reason you're a gryffindor. "I've actually been attempting to create a sufficient sleeping potion similar to muggle sleeping pills but more potent and more effective since sometimes they aren't strong enough for some individuals". "Woah wait seriously? That's incredible! Wait attempting? How far have you come with it? What's missing?". Remus fired off question after question and suddenly you felt a little discombobulated. "Um well... the last attempt didn't get me any closer.. it made my eyes change color for about five hours or so.. course now I have that potion written down ready to go for any Halloween events". You looked up at his face which held no reaction. You looked at your feet and frowned. Your results keep coming out differently and every result was a different type of potion but not a exactly helpful one. Most of them sounded ridiculous. To your shock Remus began to speak in a excited tone. "Y/n that's freaking cool! I'm good at potions but I'd never dare to try to experiment wit-" he let out a yawn "them". He laughed at himself. "Guess I'm a bit tired. How bout when you get one working you let me test it out with you". He chuckled again. "If it works you'll be one of the firsts". You looked into the fire. A small blush began to creep upon your cheeks. Suddenly you had a burst of motivation to get this potion soundly made. It could help Remus just as much as you. You looked over and noticed Remus begin to drift over a bit. "You should probably head back up and get some sleep, it seems you definitely need it". He looked down at the floor. "In all honesty, I'm a bit scared to try and sleep again.. my nightmare just.. well". He turned to face you and sighed deeply. "In the dream I ended up hurting you and-" "as a werewolf?". Remus looked shocked. "I- I'm- no- not- what-?". "Remus I know about it. And no none of your friends blabbed about it. I'm a smart girl, I know the signs when I see them. Especially when it's someone I care-". You clasped your hands over your mouth to stop yourself from confessing any feelings. Remus started to grin and poked at your hands. "Someone you what? Care about? Was that it Y/n? You care about me? Aw how sweet!". He erupted in laughter and you couldn't help but laugh alongside him and punch his arm. "Yeah nerd okay I do. It's pretty obvious". You rolled your eyes. Everyone could tell. "I wasn't too sure if I should believe Sirius or not but now I guess I should believe what he says about you from now on". Remus went to peck your cheek at the wrong time (well great timing for you). You turned your head only to make contact with his lips. Both of you were in shock but quickly gave in. There wasn't going to be any running away from the situation this time. It was warm and sweet. You could tell he had some chocolate when he woke up. As you pulled away you couldn't help but chuckle. Remus had a dazed look on his face and a burning red blush. "I think you'd ought to get some sleep Mr. Chocolate solves everything". You laughed and Remus grinned. He laid his head on your lap and closed his eyes. It was impossible for you to move and you weren't going to argue ether. If he got some sleep now, no matter how, he'd feel better during classes.

When you thought Remus was a fully asleep, you began to play with his hair. And you could've sworn you'd heard him say he was fear from nightmares right now.

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