{1} Last Day of School

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Alex's POV

I absolutely hate school. I know everyone hates school, but I absolutely despise it. I have a reason for it, I am a complete loser. An outcast. I only have one friend but she is an ass. Her name is Stephanie and she is 3/4 popular and 1/4 hangs out with me probably just to pass by time.

I really don't like her and want to leave her forever, but I have known her since second grade and she basically grew up with me. All she really cares about is drama and boys... like every other girl, but she stays with me. Although I don't usually call her a friend, I stay with her because I think having one fake friend is better than having no one.

I slam my locker door with Spanish history book in hand and head to my last class of the school year, Spanish. In the halls I am invisible. Other than that, in certain classes everyone is looking at me due to how much I talk. I really don't care wether people see me or not in the halls, it's best if they don't or else I might get caught with Bowers and his gang.

I spin around the corner into my Spanish classroom and see all familiar faces: Paloma Miller, Francisco Roduriguez, Daniel Keene, Stephanie Watt (my 'friend') and a few others I know... oh and of course Richie Tozier. I've known Richie since kinder. He would always hit on me and stuff but it always goes on and off. In kinder, we were best friends and basically did everything together. It was really fun. He eventually found an interest in me romantically. The most we talk is when we argue about random stuff in ELA and on the walkey, but thats very rare. Of course we argue in other classes we're in together but ELA is where we get in trouble the most.

I settle into my chair right beside Francisco and pull out my binder. Struggling to flip through the pages, the teacher begins her usual boring lesson which I sometimes don't listen to due to how fast she speaks. Two people fill in the seats in front of me just when the bell rings. Stephanie and Richie. No one would want to sit next to Stephanie but there weren't any seats left, poor Richie.

       The two sat down and everyone in the table stared at eachother, most likely thinking about why they decided to sit there in the first place. This was probably the worst combination of people.

I was completely bored when the teacher put us to work. Everyone else except for out table was talking. I began to tap my pencil on the table, as I usually would when I'm bored. It went on for at least two minutes until Richie got tired of it. "Would you stop doing that?!" he bursts out of nowhere. I wasn't surprised that he got annoyed of it, I like to mess around with him. "Why?" I tease, putting my chin in my hand. He just rolls his eyes in return. "Ya know, this is the perfect example of what you sound like most of the time" I say, holding the pencil up. "Oh yeah, Because you don't talk at all" he shoots back almost immediately, completely being sarcastic. "Not as much as you!" I interject, causing the conversation to turn into an argument. " You talk just as much as I do! Theres no point in arguing with me again if you know you're wrong" he says, thinking its the end but... its just the beginning

We burst into an argument, each of us overlapping the other. Eventually, Francisco gets annoyed of us and tries to stop us. All three of us are in an argument and of course, Stephanie just watches and laughs like she's purposely being entertained by us. I just roll my eyes and finally try to stop the argument. We all end up laughing at the stupid, ridiculous fight we were having seconds ago.


It's almost the end of class and the teacher got Richie and I in trouble, well... we did that to ourselves. The bell rings and I jump out of my seat, eager to get out of school and go home although both places are terrible. Running out of the class, I accidentally bump into Bill Denbrough in the hall. I heard his brother died, but Bill says otherwise.

"Ah, sorry!" I mumble, still trying to get through all the other middle schoolers quickly. I used to be friends with Bill, along with Eddie Kasbrak, Stanley Uris and Richie. We're not as close as we used to be, but we still hang out.

I push open one of the entrance doors and sigh, happy to be out of that hellhole. I noticed Henry Bowers in one of the halls and he didn't look too happy to see me making accidental eye contact with him. I began walking, not anywhere very specific, but slowly on my way home.

After about five minutes of wandering around the school for no reason. I decide to finally go home. I saw Betty Ripsoms mom several times as I walked around, she looked hopefull, too hopeful as I knew that Betty was probably in a ditch, all decomposed, covered in worms and maggots. As much as I hate to go home, I can actually rest there so I might as well go.

I start walking down the familiar road which will eventually lead me to a red bridge, that means I'm almost home.


When I reached the beginning of the bridge, I started getting a bit more determined to get home. Although my backpack was very heavy, I walked faster.

Inside the bridge, on the other side, I could see an outline of a couple of people. I ignored it. There was faint shouting in the distance and my heart began beating faster.

When I got over, I saw the one person I hoped not to see. Henry Bowers. He was leaning over a boy on a fence with a bloody knife in hand. The rest of his gang were surrounding them. They were shouting at the boy. That poor boy. It looked like he was going to pass out in any second.

"Hey" I said. They couldn't hear me. "Hey!" I shouted louder, they all turned their heads toward me. I was panicking like crazy on the inside although I probably looked confident. Everyone's eyes were still on me, that was the boy's cue. After a second, he immediately kicked Henry off of him and flipped over the fence, rolling down to the barrens.

Henry instantly snapped his head back to the kid who was already down the steep falling, he was already beginning to run away deeper into the barrens. I could tell that Henry was furious and that I was in big trouble.

"You bitch!!!" He shrieked, still in his position but without the other boy. Henry sounded like an absolute psychopath, the really bad kind. I was frozen in place, unable to do anything. Henry shouted to his friends to go after the kid, god knows what'll happen to me now.

His friends jumped over the fence, running after him. Henry got up and started walking towards me, a devilish look smeared across his face. I was still paralyzed, trying to move. Nothing was happening to me, just a blank yet terrified face. He got up to me and began talking in my ear. "Why the fuck would you let him go?" He said, separating the words so he sounded incredibly mad. My nose twitched, making my glasses slip down a bit. Henry probably noticed this because he grabbed them from my face and slammed them to the ground. Luckily, they weren't completely broken but they did have a crack on the side.

I sighed with an annoyed tone and bent down to get them. I stepped farther away from him, acting completely natural. "Dammit, seriously?..." I dusted my glasses off as he looked at me in pure confusion. "... ya know, you're really starting to get on my nerves, Bowers" I said, acting like a parent. He sort of shrugged it off and pulled up his knife from his back.

I noticed this almost immediately and continued my incredibly awkward act. "Okay..." I said, clasping my hands together. "... as much as I would love to stay here with you fucker, I need to get home." And just like that, I kicked him in the privates and ran off. I smiled as I ran as fast as I could, enjoying the new incredible adventures of the Last Day Of School.

Hi awesome people! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter to my story. I love writing this story already although it's just the first chapter. I hope you continue reading. Love and Light❤️⭐️

Psychotic// Richie TozierWhere stories live. Discover now